Provides simple and practical directory navigation, such as browser history, using the built-in $dirstack
feature of Zsh.
- alt+← to go backwads to the previous directory
- alt+→ to go forwards in the directory history
- alt+↑ to go upwards to the parent directory
In macOS, ⌘ command is assigned instead of alt.
Designed to utilize Zsh’s built-in $dirstack
, this plugin enables
and disables PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS
(These Zsh options are disabled by default)
These changes should not have any effect unless you are using plugins or features that depend on $dirstack
dirstax works out of the box. The default key bindings are activated immediately after the script is sourced.
git clone
, and Edit .zshrc
source path/to/dirstax.plugin.zsh
Install with Zsh plugin manager zinit:
zinit wait lucid light-mode for @0xTadash1/dirstax
The key bindings of dirstax can be changed as follows.
# Use shift + alt (or shift + ⌥ option in macOS) as the modifier key instead of the default
typeset -Ax dirstax=(
[keybind_upward]='^[[1;4A' # shift + alt + ↑
[keybind_forward]='^[[1;4C' # shift + alt + →
[keybind_backward]='^[[1;4D' # shift + alt + ←
If after loading the plugin, you need to reapply the key bindings.