Simple client for MIPC-based webcam. I bought a cheapo used WiFi camera on eBay, turns out the local web UI accessible over LAN is broken, and using the OEM's app proxies all the video through random IP addresses which I'm not cool with.
- login & auth - reverse-engineered from the broken web UI on my camera :)
- getting a snapshot
- getting a stream URL
- control pan/tilt
Install the package as usual per your package manager and:
camera_ip = ""
camera_user = "exampleuser"
camera_password = "P@ssw0rd"
from mipc_camera_client import MipcCameraClient
c = MipcCameraClient(camera_ip)
c.login(camera_user, camera_password)
jpeg_data = c.get_image()
with open("hello.jpg", mode="wb") as file:
Also see examples/.
$ usage: mipc_camera_client [-h] [--host HOST] [--user USER] {snapshot,stream,ptz} ...
CLI client for MIPC cameras
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Camera address (hostname or IP), uses CAMERA_HOST env var if not supplied
--user USER Camera username (from the web interface), uses CAMERA_USER env var if not supplied. Set CAMERA_PASSWORD for password.
Available commands
snapshot take a JPEG snapshot
stream get RTMP stream URL
ptz control pan/tilt/zoom