Fake Store E-Commerce App
Project Description:
This project is a mock e-commerce web application called Fake Store, built with React. It features a responsive and user-friendly interface, where users can search, filter, and view products dynamically. The app is styled with CSS for a modern and sleek design and uses the Fake Store API to fetch product data.
- Dynamic Product Search and Filtering
Users can search for products using the search bar, filtering results dynamically as they type.
Filter options include sorting products by:
Alphabetical Order (A-Z and Z-A).
Price (Low to High and High to Low).
Categories such as Jewelery, Electronics, Men's Clothing, and Women's Clothing.
- Product Listing:
Displays products in a card layout, showing:
Product Image.
Products are dynamically fetched from the Fake Store API.
- Reusable Components:
Modular React components, making the app scalable and easier to maintain:
TopOfNav: Includes the logo, search bar, and icons.
NavBar: Navigation bar with essential links like Shop, Skills, Stories, etc.
BottomOfNav: Highlights the store's purpose with a descriptive section.
FilterDiv: Provides filtering and sorting options.
ProductListing: Dynamically displays products with filtering and sorting applied.
Footer: Contains quick links, contact information, and social media links.
- Loading Animation:
- Implements a rotating circle animation for better UX during data fetching.
- Responsive Design:
- Optimized for various screen sizes using flexible layouts and CSS styling.
Technologies Used:
- React.js: For building reusable and dynamic components.
- CSS: Custom styles for a polished UI.
- Fake Store API: For fetching real-time product data.
External Fonts
- Google Fonts: Lilita One, Protest Strike, and Roboto for typography.
File Structure:
├── components/
│ ├── TopOfNav.js # Top navigation with logo and search bar
│ ├── NavBar.js # Main navigation bar with categories
│ ├── BottomOfNav.js # Informative section below the navigation
│ ├── FilterDiv.js # Filter and sort options
│ ├── ProductListing.js # Dynamic product listing
│ ├── Footer.js # Footer with quick links and contact info
│ └── App.js # Main entry point of the app
├── styles/
│ └── styles.css # Global styles for the application
└── index.js # ReactDOM rendering
How to Run:
- Clone the Repository:
- git clone https://github.com/your-repo/fake-store-app.git
- cd fake-store-app
- Install Dependencies Ensure you have Node.js installed, then run:
- npm install
- Start the Application Launch the development server:
- npm start
- Access the App Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh