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File metadata and controls

251 lines (220 loc) · 12.1 KB

Milvus Migration: Elasticsearch to Milvus 2.x


Soft version

  • Elasticsearch support version: 7.x or 8.x
  • Milvus2.x support version: 2.2+

Support ES field type

Tool will migration ES index data to Milvus2.x Collection. Now support migration es field type have below:

ES field Type Mapping field type of Milvus2.x collection
keyword VarChar
text VarChar
long int64
integer int32
short int16
double Double
float Float
boolean Bool
dense_vector FloatVector

other limitation

  1. must need migrate a dense_vector type es field to Milvus2.x as collection's FloatVector field.
  2. must need migrate a keyword or long type es field as Collection primary key, if not specified will use _id as primary key.

Elasticsearch to Milvus 2.x migration.yaml example

    workMode: elasticsearch   # migration mode: elasticsearch, faiss, milvus1x
      bufferSize: 2500      # es data total rows in each time read from es.  
  mode: config            #config: will read meta config from this config itself.
  index: test_es_index    #es index 
  fields:                 # es index fields of need migrate to milvus2x 
    - name: id            #field name
      type: long
      pk: true            #set pk=true will use this field as milvus collection primary key 
    - name: data
      type: dense_vector  #dense_vector field have to migrate field.
      dims: 512           #vector dims
    - name: other_field
      type: keyword
      maxLen: 60          #as milvus collection Varchar type filed maxLen property.
  milvus:               #optional configuration
    collection: rename_test_name  #if not exits, will use es index as collection name. 
    closeDynamicField: false
    shardNum: 2
    consistencyLevel: Customized
source:               # es connect configuration
      - http://localhost:9200
    username: x*****x
    password: x*****x
  mode: remote
    outputDir: migration/test/xx   # temp storage source data, cannot start with '/'
    cloud: aws                    #cloud includes: aws(s3,minio), gcp, ali(oss)
    endpoint: localhost:9000     # here is the minio server endpoint 
    region: ap-southeast-1       # region, if local server needn't it
    bucket: a-bucket      # bucket name, need same with milvus2.x bucket name
    ak: minioadmin        # ak/sk, if useIAM=false, need ak/sk
    sk: minioadmin
    useIAM: false         #if useIAM=true, not need ak/sk. 
    useSSL: false
    checkBucket: true     #if bucket not exits will create bucket when set checkBucket=true  
    endpoint: localhost:19530
    username: xxxxx
    password: xxxxx

you can place the migration.yaml to configs/ directory, then tool will auto read config from the configs/migration.yaml when you execute cmd:

./milvus-migration  start

or you can place the migration.yaml to any directory, then will read config from --config param path when execute cmd like below:

./milvus-migration  start --config=/{YourConfigFilePath}/migration.yaml

migration success when you see the print log like below:

[migration/es_starter.go:25] ["[Starter] migration ES to Milvus finish!!!"] [Cost=80.009174459]
[starter/starter.go:106] ["[Starter] Migration Success!"] [Cost=80.00928425]
[cleaner/remote_cleaner.go:27] ["[Remote Cleaner] Begin to clean files"] [bucket=a-bucket] [rootPath=testfiles/output/zwh/migration]
[cmd/start.go:32] ["[Cleaner] clean file success!"]

if you want to verify the migration data result, you can use Attu see your new collection info. Attu

Other introduce

  • if you don't config pk=true field, default will use es _id as primary key, pk type is Varchar and maxLen is 65535. Usually, this is not a good pk strategy, so here provide to explicit setting like below config:
    - name: _id      # explicit _id as primary key a field  
      type: keyword  # primary key type specified `keyword` type
      maxLen: 60     # primary key maxLen set 60
      pk: true

also you can change type to long

    - name: _id
      type: long  # primary key type specified `long` type
      pk: true
  • if your es server using the Elastic Cloud es, then you can config like below to connect es:
      cloudId: x*********x
      apiKey:  x*******x
  • if your es server setting others auth style, like: serviceToken, fingerprint, ca file, you can add corresponding authorization config:
      fingerprint: x********x
      serviceToken:  x******x
      cert:  /{YourPath}/http_ca.cert
  • About target, if you use aliyun-oss, your config will like below:
  mode: remote
    outputDir: "migration/test/xxx"
    cloud: ali    # cloud set is ali
    endpoint: oss-{YourRegion}  # if dont set oss endpoint default is:
    region: { yourRegion }
    bucket: { yourBucket }
    useIAM: true    #useIAM=true, don't need ak/sk
    checkBucket: false
    useSSL: true

or if you are use s3:

  mode: remote
    outputDir: "migration/test/xxx"
    cloud: aws
    region: { yourRegion }
    bucket: { yourBucket }
    useIAM: true      #use IAM connect s3
    checkBucket: false
    useSSL: true
  • If want to migrate data to Target Milvus collection (isn't default database), you can add target.milvus2x.database to specify database name, database name will auto create if not exists.
        database: my_database

migration.yaml reference


Here dumper module mainly sets adjustment parameters for migration job.

Parameter Description Example
dumper.worker.workMode Work mode elasticsearch
dumper.worker.reader.bufferSize how many rows data read from es in every batch suggest: 2000-4000


Here meta module mainly sets source data(es index info) and will create target data(milvus2.x collection info)

parameter description example
meta.mode Where to read meta config, now only support: config config: represents read from migration.yaml itself
meta.index Read data from which es index test_es_index
meta.fields Which es index fields need to be migrated field info below:
meta.fields.-name es field name id
meta.fields.-pk Whether es field as primary key true, default: false
meta.fields.-type es field type long, integer,keyword,float,dense_vector...
meta.fields.-maxLen keyword or text es field maxLen in 2.x collection 100, default: 65535
meta.fields.-dims dense_vector type field dimension 512
meta.milvus not required, set create 2.x collection property below:
meta.milvus.collection 2.x collection name if null will use es index name as collection name
meta.milvus.closeDynamicField whether close 2.x Collection dynamic field feature default: false
meta.milvus.consistencyLevel 2.x Collection consistency level default: collection default level


Here source module mainly sets source es connection info

parameter description example es server address list http://localhost:9200 es server username xxx es server password xxx es cert file path /xxx/http_ca.crt es fingerprint xxxxxxxxxxxx es server serviceToken Bearer xxxxxxxxxx elasticCloud cloudId xx elasticCloud apiKey xxx


Here target module mainly sets milvus2.x server info

parameter description example
target.mode Where to store the dumped files local: store dumped files on local disk; remote: store dumped files on S3
target.remote.outputDir Directory path in bucket where to store files output/ Which Cloud Storage the Milvus 2.x data aws (if using Minio, use aws), gcp, or azure, ali
target.remote.endpoint Endpoint of the Milvus 2.x storage
target.remote.region Region of the Milvus 2.x storage If using local Minio, can use any value
target.remote.bucket Bucket of the Milvus 2.x storage Must use the same bucket as configured in milvus.yaml for Milvus 2.x
target.remote.ak Access Key of the Milvus 2.x storage minioadmin Secret Key of the Milvus 2.x storage minioadmin
target.remote.useIAM Whether to use IAM Role to connect to Milvus 2.x false
target.remote.useSSL Whether to use SSL when connecting to Milvus 2.x For local Minio, use false; for remote S3, use true
target.remote.checkBucket Whether to check if the bucket exists in the storage True to check if you can connect to the Milvus 2.x storage
target.milvus2x.endpoint Endpoint of Milvus 2.x xxxxxx:19530
target.milvus2x.username Username of Milvus 2.x root
target.milvus2x.password Password of Milvus 2.x xxxxxxx