The purpose of this project is to build a highly compatible linux QEMU binary package for Zig CI testing.
Zig requires a very recent QEMU version, sometimes unreleased commit-revs, and sometimes with custom patches. For this reason, distro-based QEMU packages are unsuitable.
The overall strategy is to use Alpine Linux to host a QEMU build and link statically to all possible libraries.
It is a non-goal to build QEMU with all features enabled. It is a non-goal to build QEMU with system emulation enabled. It is a non-goal to build older versions of QEMU.
docker build --tag qemu .
mkdir ../artifact
docker run -it --cidfile=qemu.cid qemu true
docker cp "$(cat qemu.cid):work/artifact/." ../artifact/.
ls -al ../artifact/
docker container rm $(cat qemu.cid)
rm qemu.cid
docker image rm qemu
docker system prune --force