Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
- HTML5, Bootstrap CSS and Custom SASS file
- Java Scripting(ES6)
- Scripting Templates (Handlebars)
- Websocket (client-Side: socket.io, ServerSerde:flask_socketio)
- Flask
- Create a single page application using scripting template, javascript, socketio and ajax technology.
- Browser Local storage for remembering display and channel name.
- Store Channels and Messages on Server side to available for other users
- Sending and receiving file through messaging.
- application.py: Main python web application program to handles the channels and messaging request and response. Also using global dictionary to store channels and message.
- messaging.py : Classes for Channel and Message
- onlinemessaging.html : GUI (single page)
- Contains CSS, JS
This application has below issue.
- After joining the channel, user manually refresh the page to start messaging.