Releases are simply created by pushing an annotated tag to the github repo. When the github picks this up the workflow action is triggered.
- a release is generated via the gh release cmd.
- a release tar artefact is added to the release as generated via rebar3 prod tar
- a docker image is created based and tagged with the release version and this image is pushed to
- gh container registry
- dockerhub registry
The github action release workflow will only trigger
- on a push to the main branch
- on pushing an annotated tag. Pushing a lighweight tag will abort the action
The github action workflow will fail if the versioning for the following are not in sync
- the pushed annotated tag version
- the xqerl version in
- the vsn number in
The github action workflow job will fail when the folowing regex patterns fail
- pushed annotated tag:
Note: represents semver v{major}.{minor}.{patch} patten - file
release version:v\d\.\d\.\d
Note: represents semver v{major}.{minor}.{patch} patten - file
vsn number:\d\.\d\.\d
Note: no prefixedv
If any of these conditions a not met, the github actions for the main branch will fail.
- Checkout
branchgit checkout main
- Define a semver release version to use.
- Use
git --no-pager tag | grep -1
to see last tag - From last tag detirmine what to semver bump: v{major}.{minor}.{patch}
- Update release 'version' in rebar3.config.
- Update the vsn 'number' ./src/ Note this has no prefix
- Commit these changes
git commit -am "xqerl release version: v0.2.1"
- Create an annotated tag for the release:
git tag -a v0.2.1 -m "xqerl update v0.2.1"
- Push changes to repo:
git push --follow-tags
# 1. Define a version to use
# 2. Update release 'version' in rebar3.config.
OLD_BAR=$(grep -oP 'v\d+\.\d+\.\d+' rebar.config)
sed -i "s/${OLD_BAR}/${RELEASE}/" rebar.config
# 3. Update the vsn 'number' without the v prefix in ./src/
OLD_VSN=$(grep -oP '\d+\.\d+\.\d+' src/
NEW_VSN=$(echo "${RELEASE}" | grep -oP 'v\K(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
sed -i "s/${OLD_VSN}/${NEW_VSN}/" src/
# 4. Commit these changes
git commit -am "xqerl release version: ${RELEASE}"
# 5. Create an **annotated tag** for the release:
git tag -a ${RELEASE} -m "xqerl update ${RELEASE}"
# 6. Push changes to repo:
git push --follow-tags