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z3y edited this page Jan 25, 2022 · 7 revisions

Shader Features

  • Accurate PBR Shading - Uses a pre-calculated lookup texture for the environment BRFD. This gives much more accurate results for reflections and fixes the high amount of fresnel that the Standard shader has.

  • Packed Mask - Packed Texture that contains four grayscale textures: Metallic (Red), Occlusion (Green), Detail Mask (Blue), Smoothness (Alpha). Tools for packing textures: Smart Texture, Texture Utility or use the tool in the inspector

  • Normal Map

  • Detail Map Similar to HDRP/Lit but uses one Abledo(RGB) + Smoothnes (A) texture instead of the desaturated albedo with blend mode overlay and one normal map texture

  • Geometric Specular AA - Remove specular shimmering on hard edges

  • Specular Occlusion - Removes fresnel from reflections on dark parts of the lightmap

  • Bicubic Lightmap - Enabled by default in the config. Bicubic sampling for a smoothner lightmap

  • Baked Specular - Enables specular highlights if used with Directional, SH or RNM lightmap mode, or get specular from light probes if the object is not static

  • Antialiased Cutout - Used in cutout mode, instead of the default cutout mode that standard uses. Requires Multisample anti-aliasing. For MSAA to work in unity scene view you need a post processing layer script. Makes edges of a cutout material smoother

  • Bakery SH and RNM - After baking is done a script will automatically change it on all materials in the scene using this shader. Requiers Udon Bakery Adapter to work in VRChat.

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