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YVT edited this page Mar 4, 2017 · 10 revisions

User Resource Directory

The User Resource Directory (a.k.a. the config folder) is used to store user-specific files, such as SystemMessages.log, screenshots, and sceneshots.

These are the locations for each operating system:

Operating system Location
Windows %APPDATA%\OpenSpades\Resources
OS X ~/Library/Application Support/OpenSpades/Resources
GNU/Linux $XDG_DATA_HOME/openspades/Resources

This directory is guaranteed to be owned and writable by a user.

"Portable" mode (since 0.1.1c, Windows only)

"Portable" mode is enabled only if a directory named UserResources exists in the directory where OpenSpades.exe is located, in which case the UserResources will be the default user resource directory.

Global Resource Directory

The Global Resource Directory contains all external resources that OpenSpades needs.

It contains .paks from the official release and has to be replaced every time OpenSpades is upgraded, or else OpenSpades will probably be unable to work at all.

These are the locations for each operating system:

Operating system Location
GNU/Linux /usr/local/share/games/openspades/Resources

OpenSpades will not create nor overwrite any files in this directory.