See also:
It probably needs to rewrite the docopt parser.
Example error handling:
- docopt/docopt#459 (-d at the endi handling
it means "any option not in usage-pattern".
- error could be:
option not allowed ingenerate
action it has conflict with follwingUsage: mytool -d | --debug
- docopt/docopt#466 (invalid option must be named) --junkoption
==>error: Invalid option '--junkoption'
- docopt/docopt#460 (invalid option for selected action + debug parse)
- see my comment on issue
- docopt/docopt#472 ( options are in multiple lines)
- error about mandatory argument
- curiously --repl=234 is matched?
same as --no-mangle
but json formated
Somewhat discussed here: docopt/docopt#174
Trivial, could be implemented, even without embbeding JSON lib.
See branch json-api
./docopts --help
was introduced in PR #52
Add a parameter to handle return or kill instead of exit so it can be launched inside a function.
See also: docopt#43
docopts parse "$usage" : [<args>...]
Would probably need a new docopt parser too.
docopts completion "$usage"
À la nslcd… ?
- json merge
- toml merge (ini)