2.1.1 (26-01-2022)
- Fixed links to travis
2.1.0 (25-01-2022)
- Added DEL state for trigger.
2.0.0 (15-09-2021)
- Changes due to movement to github
- Files *-public have been deleted
- Build with travis
- breaking changes Packages
have been renamed intoru.yoomoney.tech
1.4.0 (19-02-2021)
has been renamed intoru.yoomoney.gradle.plugins.kotlin-plugin
1.3.0 (08-07-2020)
- Update gradle version 6.0.1 -> 6.4.1.
1.2.1 (27-02-2020)
- Don't add bitbucket pull request link into changelog.md on release
1.2.0 (07-02-2020)
- Build on java 11
1.1.0 (03-02-2020)
- Update gradle version 4.10.2 -> 6.0.1
1.0.3 (27-11-2019)
- Fix test that uses
1.0.2 (27-11-2019)
- Fix tests that use
1.0.1 (27-11-2019)
- Add support for GitHub publication
1.0.0 (04-07-2019)
- Initial implementation