List of direct dependencies This document lists all direct dependencies of the project. Main Libraries Group ID Artifact ID Version com.lihaoyi fansi 0.5.0 com.softwaremill.diffx diffx-core 0.9.0 dev.zio zio 2.1.5 org.postgresql postgresql 42.7.3 org.reactivemongo reactivemongo 1.0.10 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.12.19 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.14 org.scala-lang scala3-library 3.4.2 org.tpolecat skunk-core 0.6.4 org.typelevel cats-core 2.12.0 org.wvlet.airframe airframe-ulid 24.6.1 Test Libraries Group ID Artifact ID Version com.dimafeng testcontainers-scala-mongodb 0.41.4 com.dimafeng testcontainers-scala-postgresql 0.41.4 com.dimafeng testcontainers-scala-scalatest 0.41.4 dev.zio zio-test 2.1.5 org.scalameta munit 1.0.0 org.scalatest scalatest-flatspec 3.2.19 org.scalatestplus scalacheck-1-17