a tool for create react app,support common use features,inspired by vue-cli and create-react-app
Create react apps with no build configuration
Rich features to select (Ant Design,TypeScript,Mobx,EsLint,TsLint)
Can eject webpack config to project directory,give you more controll
Multiple pages support
Multiple state management way
Easy custom ant design theme
Support lint code when commit or save code
if you use npm
npm install handy-cli -g
if you use yarn
yarn global add handy-cli
handy create <new-app>
handy eject
After run handy create you-app-name
(select ant-design、linter、mobx),you can get the folder with the follow structure
├── node_modules
├── public
├── modifyVars.json
├── package.json
├── readme.md
├── .eslintrc
├── .gitignore
└── src
├── components
│ ├── ResultItem
│ │ └── ResultItem.js
│ └── Scroll
│ └── Scroll.js
├── modules
│ └── mobxGitSearch
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── ResultList
│ │ │ └── ResultList.js
│ │ └── Search
│ │ └── Search.js
│ └── index.js
├── pages
│ └── index
│ ├── index.js
│ └── routes.js
├── stores
│ └── SearchGitStore.js
└── utils
└── index.js
Under src,there have some subdirectories
components(the common components folder), all components shared by multi router pages on this
modules(the router pages folder),each subdirectory under modules represent a router page,such as Dashboard、Welcome
pages(the multi pages folder), each subdirectory under pages is a single SPA
stores(the mobx stores folder,if you select use Mobx when create app)
The folder show above already configure in config.resolve.alias
,so,you can write
in src/modules/mobxGitSearch/index.js
import {shake} from "utils"
in src/modules/mobxGitSearch/index.js
import {shake} from "../utils"
handy-cli create single page by default,but it's easy to add new page.
after init,you can add new page files under src/pages, like doule12
├── pages
└── index
│ ├── index.js
│ └── routes.js
├── doule12
│── index.js
in src/pages/doule12/index.js.
<h1>double 12</h1>,
if (module.hot) {
module.hot.accept(() => {});
then, restart server,location to localhost:3000/doble12,you can get the view
on you apps root directory,after commit your code , you can run handy eject
to export webpack configs and scripts to your project to do same thing customized.
Support eslint and tslint.
when you select the TypeScript feature,there is only Tslint allow,otherwise support eslint with airbnb config , eslint with prettier config,eslint-config-ali
lint when save code or lint when commit code,recommended use when commit,for faster compile,in package.json
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "lint-staged"
"lint-staged": {
"linters": {
"*.{js,jsx}": [
"eslint --fix",
"git add"
"ignore": [
when use handy-cli,you can select the way to controll you app's state
Normal(the build in Context API)
Dva(not yet)
After select ant design
feature when create new apps,you can use antd easy
in you code, add
+ import { Pagination } from "antd";
+ <Pagination total={100} />
<Search />
you can see the UI changed,you can use antd according to the need to load
with noting to configure
under you app root directory,you can see a file named modifyVar.json, you can override the less styles variable defined there,note!!,when you changed the modifyVar.json, the dev server will restart auto!!!,you need not manually restart service
support less,sass,stylus and css modules
if you want use css modules,you need named the file with the suffix .module.css 、 .module.less、 .module.sass、.module.styl
add a proxy field to your package.json,for example
"proxy": "http://localhost:4000",
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: '<url>',
changeOrigin: true
'/foo': {
target: '<other_url>'
see more proxy options
[ ] integration dva
[ ] dynamic load
npm install lerna -g
git clone https://github.com/xiyuyizhi/handy-make.git
cd handy-make
npm install
lerna bootstrap
if you use vscode , add the content to launch.json
The MIT License (MIT)