- #9243 fix: keep core-type peer-deps (@runspired)
Chris Thoburn (@runspired)
For the full project changelog see https://github.com/emberjs/data/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
- #9070 docs: fix note notation to make use of github formatting (@runspired)
- #9220 feat: request infra improvements (@runspired)
- #9058 Switch from eslint-plugin-prettier to running prettier directly (@gitKrystan)
- #9057 Add eslint-plugin-n to eslint config for node files (@gitKrystan)
- #9055 Fix ESLint for VSCode (@gitKrystan)
- #9051 chore: use references for tsc, add checks to schema-record, bun to run scripts (@runspired)
- #9032 chore(types): split out lint and type commands to be per-package (@runspired)
- #8931 chore: package infra for schema-record (@runspired)
Chris Thoburn (@runspired) Krystan HuffMenne (@gitKrystan)