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File metadata and controls

129 lines (110 loc) · 7.5 KB

Z-Wave Web Management Interface

Author: Woodrow Barlow

Last Modified: Mon Jun 15 15:41:25 EDT 2015


Once the bundle launches, it automatically spawns an HTTP server running on port 8080. I've extended that HTTP server to provide a front-end interface for controlling devices on the Z-Wave network. It should automatically detect all nodes on the network and provide controls for any parameters which can be controlled through the OpenHAB binding protocol.

How it Works

The OpenHAB binding protocol manages detection of nodes, and also registers each node with any number of "Command Classes", each of which represents a certain "parameter" on the device. Different command classes do different things. For instance, the ZWaveBinarySensorCommandClass is used to see if a sensor is triggered, while the ZWaveThermostatFanModeCommandClass is used to control which mode an HVAC fan is using.

My web gui will build a "dialogue" (a webpage, basically) for a single node at a time. That dialogue will contain any number of "controls". A control is just a visual representation of a command class -- in this case, each control is an HTML form. Since command classes each have a specific purpose, each control is unique to a certain command class. The naming scheme for the controls matches the name of the command class.

Each time a pageload is done, the gui also checks if there are any outstanding requests (which happens any time one of those HTML forms is submitted) and processes them as appropriate. There are processing functions for each control that is not read-only. The processing functions are responsible for taking information from the GUI (user input) and passing it off to the controller in the form of a Z-Wave command (the command classes help construct the command).

At the top of the file, you will see an enum called "Control". This is responsible for most of the automagic page serving. Each control needs to be defined in here. Each control gets a "friendly name" (something suitable for displaying to the user) and the associated ZWaveCommandClass.

There are also .html files in the res/controls folder of this package. These are not used like .html files traditionally would be used on a webserver; they aren't served directly as files, just used as file resources by the Java code. In other words, you can't navigate to and expect to see anything. The webserver is absurdly simplistic, and doesn't even serve files. It builds the one page you ever see from scratch each time it is requested. These HTML files do have "variables" in them: %NODEID%, %CONTROLNAME%, and %FRIENDLYCONTROLNAME%. These "variables" get replaced via regex when the page is being built.

Processing isn't quite as automatic. In the serve() method (which is the primary method for this class), there is a check near the top to see whether a control has been submitted. If it has, it checks which control was submitted, by means of a switch-case statement, and calls an appropriate processing method. All of the processing methods have the same naming scheme and accept two arguments: a ZWave Node, and a key-value map containing all the values that were passed in the request (in the form of Strings).

Along the way, the system may make use of the ArrayLists failureMessages and successMessages. Any messages stored in here will be displayed as little pop-up bubbles to the user when the page loads. For example, in a processing method, when it completes successfully, it will push a message to successMessages saying as much.

So, basically what happens is this: the user navigates to port 8080 in a web browser. The server gets a request to build a page. If no node is specified, it just builds a form to select a node. If a node is specified, it builds the dialogue for that node. When building the dialogue, it checks the controller to see which command classes are used by this node, and, for each command class, is builds the appropriate control. It builds the control by fetching the appropriate .html file, reading in the contents as a string, replacing variables as necessary, then embedding that string into the string with the rest of the HTML for the page being built.

If, in addition to a node being specified, there is also a control specified and some relevant bits of data passed, the server then executes the appropriate processing method for that control. This all actually happens before the HTML is built and served to the user.

That's it! There's some extra fluff along the way, like building the basic navigation and loading the CSS. Also, it's worth noting that if the system ever encounters a command class that isn't considered in the Control enum, it just builds it as an unknown control and logs the information.

If you've implemented a new ZWave command class and you need to provide a GUI control for it (because it will otherwise just be an "unknown" control), you only need to add an entry to the Control enum and make an appropriately named .html file in the res/controls directory. If you also need to process input from that control, create a processing method in the WebGUI file alongside the others (I try to keep them in alphabetical order) that accepts the node and key-value map, and add a case to the switch-case statement in the serve() method for your newly created enum entry which calls your newly created processing method. Everything else should be handled for you.

What Still Needs to be Done

In the spirit of OSGi, the interface should probably be a separate bundle from the protocol / backend stuff. So there should be some sort of API in the backend which the frontend can use. That way, users who don't need the frontend (maybe they have a really simple script which interfaces with that exposed API) don't need the extra bloat that comes with it. Additionally, by exposing an API and keeping functionality separate, we could make a mobile app for the frontend if we decide to do so.

  • note: this probably means that the openhab protocol won't be exposed directly and the ZWaveController object won't be used directly -- the backend should abstract that to a less ZWave-specific model, with cache being an integral part.

Also, the system is "write-only" at the moment. That is to say: from the web interface, I can send a command to tell a light to turn on, but I can't find out if a light is on or not. So, eventually, I want to add "displays" in addition to the controls that are already here; unfortunately, there are some back-end troubles to overcome first. ZWave communication is not instantaneous. I can send a command that says "hey, when you get a chance, please tell me whether this light is on or off", but I can't wait for a response. Communication is asynchronous. I will keep going about my business, and pretty soon the controller will receive a "notification" back from that node, and will let the bundle know that it got a notification. This comes in the form of a ZWaveEvent, and it is caught by the ZWaveIncomingEvent method in

Somehow, nodes need to be polled periodically and have their values stored in a cache, so that the WebGUI can access that cache and display relatively fresh values. This caching mechanism needs to be designed in such a way that it doesn't matter is nodes shuffle around or get added and dropped without warning, because that will happen.

Another neat feature would be to be able to reset the controller from the web interface, and do other "settings" type of operations on the controller. Perhaps even add the ability to add / remove nodes on the network.