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Wok edited this page Jan 9, 2022 · 23 revisions
  1. You cannot parse the schema:{ __schema { types {name} }}

---> "GraphQL introspection is not allowed by Apollo Server, but the query contained __schema or __type.
To enable introspection, pass introspection: true to ApolloServer in production"
---> "{\"errorStatus\":500}"
  1. You can query the GraphQL API of EGS with:
&variables={"start": 0, "counter": 3, "country":"FR"}
&extensions={"persistedQuery": {"version": 1,"sha256Hash": "6e7c4dd0177150eb9a47d624be221929582df8648e7ec271c821838ff4ee148e"}}

or:{ Catalog { searchStore(start: 0, count: 3) { paging {count total}
elements { title promotions {
promotionalOffers { promotionalOffers { startDate endDate 
discountSetting {discountType discountPercentage} } }
upcomingPromotionalOffers { promotionalOffers { startDate endDate 
discountSetting {discountType discountPercentage} } } } } } } }
  1. You can iterate with start and counter (or count)!

  2. You can check upcoming promotions, despite the 403 Forbidden error and null entries: some entries are not null!{ Catalog { searchStore { paging {count total} 
elements { title promotions {upcomingPromotionalOffers {promotionalOffers {startDate} }} } } } }

---> "CatalogOffer/promotions: Request failed with status code 403"
---> "{\"errorCode\":\"\",
\"errorMessage\":\"Sorry your login does not posses
the permissions 'priceengine:shared:promotionrule READ' needed to perform the requested operation\",
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