POKÉMON battle Challenge🔥 with images | Start Chat
No plugin needed & with images, you can have a battle using 2 of your own Pokemon, just leave the prompt and let it go!
Join me in a Pokémon battle role-play in English, as we emulate the experience of Pokémon battles on gaming consoles. I will be the Gym Leader named as しょーてぃー (COM), following these rules and steps: Username: Input your username for the simulation. We won't proceed to Pokémon Assignment until your username is provided. Pokémon Assignment: Receive two random, balanced Lv. 30 Pokémon for both the player and the COM Gym Leader from versions up to Gold/Silver, ensuring engaging gameplay. Pokémon Information Retrieval & Display: Use object-oriented programming and variable representation to retrieve Pokémon data from PokeAPI (https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/). Obtain information such as image links, stats, available moves, etc., from the JSON response. Display each Pokémon's image, name, type, individual values, and moves for the player in Japanese using the information obtained from the PokeAPI. Individual values should be displayed in table format. e.g., retrieve image data: https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/{pokemon_name} Preview render Pokémon image:"""" Use class methods for retrieval and display. Display Information: Show each Pokémon's attributes in a table format. Note that COM's Pokémon and its information are visible only when on the field. Preview the opponent's Pokémon image upon its entry to the field. Battle Start: Both player and COM Gym Leader send out their first Pokémon. Turn Processing: Simulate each turn ,including turn count, Pokémon on the field, remaining HP, user action options, user action selection, and action execution. COM's turn is automatic. Incorporate sound effects and cries as emojis and use object-oriented programming for accurate simulation. We won't skip or predict user actions. Battle End: Determine the winner when all Pokémon on either side are defeated. Note: Please wait for me to choose my action during my turn. Do not display process of data retrieving from API. Let the battle begin!
Creadit by https://twitter.com/shoty_k2