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Many years ago I wrote my own Regex engine implementation.

It supports a fairly large language, with curly braces, anchors, sub-match extraction, back references and lazy (non-greedy) evaluation. It was written to form the regular expression library of a scripting language I was writing.

Although I've consulted several sources and looked at the sources of a couple of implementations (See my references below), this implementation is entirely my own.

It is released under the terms of the MIT license. See the bottom of this file for details.

Just a small disclaimer:

  1. wregex tries to be practical, but it does not try to conform to any standards (since it was written for use in a scripting language).
  2. I have no intention of adding Unicode support (it seems that if I wanted Unicode support, I should've designed for it from the beginning).

(now with more than 3200 lines of code, comments included)


Like most regular expression engines, wregex first requires that the regular expression first be compiled to a NFA-like data structure (wregex_t defined in wregex.h). The compilation happens in the function wrx_comp() which takes a string (char*) argument containing the expression, and returns the compiled NFA structure (its two other parameters are pointers to integers for reporting errors).

Once the expression has been compiled, the wregex_t is used to match a string in the wrx_exec() function. You can reuse the wregex_t and don't need to call wrx_comp() again. wrx_exec() returns 1 on a match, 0 on a non-match and less than 0 on a runtime error. It also takes a pointer to an array where the extracted sub-matches are to be stored.

If wrx_exec() returns an error code, the wrx_error() function can be used to get a textual description of the error code.

After the last call to wrx_exec() the wregex_t structure's memory should be deallocated using the wrx_free() function.


Additionally, two functions, wrx_print_nfa() and wrx_print_dot() are provided in wrx_prnt.c that outputs the wregex_t structure's states after it has been compiled. wrx_print_nfa() writes the states to stdout while wrx_print_dot() writes a text file that can be used as input to the Graphviz DOT program ( to draw a graph containing all the states and transitions in the wregex_t. These two functions are intended for development and debugging.


Two example programs are provided to demonstrate the API:

  1. test.c which simply runs unit tests if no arguments are supplied. When arguments are supplied the first is used as a pattern and compiled into a wregex_t with wrx_comp(). The second argument is optional. If it supplied, it is used as a string which is matched against the wregex_t using wrx_exec().
  2. wgrep.c is a grep-like program that accepts a pattern and a text file as input, and outputs all lines in the file which matches that pattern.


The code has been written using only standard C functions, and I've used the "-Wall -Werror -pedantic" flags when compiling, with the goal of portability.

The Makefile works with Linux and the MinGW port of GCC under Windows.

The default build uses -O2 for optimization and strips debug symbols from the output file for smaller binaries. Make the debug target to build a debug version with debug symbols suitable for debugging with GDB and with optimization turned off, like so:

$ make debug

To delete the binaries, run

$ make clean

To delete just the .o object files, run

$ make wipe

The source files are laid out similar to other regex implementations I've seen, with each of the major functions in a separate source file.

Here's what they do:

  • wregex.h - Header file with the data structures and prototypes. You need to #include this in any source file that will be using the regex matcher.
  • wrxcfg.h - Header file used internally. It contains definitions used by wrx_comp.c and wrx_exec.c. You don't need to expose this.
  • wrx_comp.c - Contains the wrx_comp() function's definition. It compiles a regex into an wregex_t NFA data structure.
  • wrx_exec.c - Contains the wrx_exec() function's definition. It matches a string to to a compiled NFA.
  • wrx_free.c - Contains the wrx_free() function's definition. It free()'s an NFA created by wrx_comp().
  • wrx_error.c - Contains the wrx_error() function's definition. It describes error codes returned by wrx_comp() and wrx_exec()
  • wrx_prnt.c - Contains functions to print the NFA to stdout or to a input file for the DOT program (of the Graphviz package). I use these only for testing and debugging wrx_comp() and friends.
  • wrx_prnt.h - prototypes for the functions in wrx_prnt.c
  • test.c - The test program.
  • wgrep.c - Source file for the wgrep example program


The syntax of the pattern matcher is thus the following

pattern	::= ['^'] [list] ['$']
list	::= element ["|" list]
element	::= ("(" [":"] list ")" | value)
			[(("*"|"+"|"?")["?"])|("{" [digit+] ["," [digit+]] "}" ["?"])]
value	::= (A-Za-z0-9!"#%&',-/:;=@\\_`~\r\t\n) | '<' | '>' |
			"[" ["^"] ranges "]" | "." | 'escape sequence'
ranges 	::= (c ["-" c])+
	where c is any printable ASCII character (>= 0x20)

The syntax has the following features:

  • A '^' at the beginning of the pattern forces a match at the beginning of a line, or after a newline/ carriage return
  • A '$' at the end of the pattern forces a match at the end of the line
  • The '|' operator has the lowest precedence. "abc|def" matches "abc" or "def"
  • Brackets are used for grouping. Expressions enclosed in brackets also capture sub-matches. Sub-matches are numbered according to the order in which the '('s appear, starting from 1, so for example in "((abc)(def))" submatch[1] would capture "abcdef", [2] would capture "abc" and [3] would capture "def" (submatch[0] captures the entire matching part of the string, as if there's an invisible '(' and ')' around the regex)
  • An escape character followed by some digits specify a back reference match where the remainder of the input string is matched against a submatch. Remember that the submatches are indexed from 1, for example, the pattern "(abc)def\1" will match against "abcdefabc"
  • A opening bracket followed by a ':' is only used for grouping, but not for capturing a submatch, for example in "((:abc)(def))" submatch[0] would capture "abcdef" and [1] would capture "def" since the (:...) around "abc" don't capture
  • A '*' following a "(expr)" or a "value" means match zero or more, for example, "a*" will match "", "a", "aa", "aaa" etc.
  • A '+' following a "'('list')'" or a "value" means match one or more, for example, "a+" will match "a", "aa", "aaa" etc. but not ""
  • A '?' following a "'('list')'" or a "value" means match zero or one, for example, "a?" will match "" or "a".
  • wregex supports "lazy"/non-greedy evaluation of the '*' and '+' (and the '?') operators by following them with a '?'.
  • "a{m}" means match exactly m "a"s. eg. "a{3}" is equivalent to "aaa"
  • "a{m,}" means match at least m "a"s. eg. "a{3}" is equivalent to "aaa+"
  • "a{,n}" means match at most n "a"s. eg. "a{,3}" is equivalent to "a?a?a?"
  • "a{m,n}" means match at least m but not more than n "a"s. eg. "a{3,5}" is equivalent to "aaaa?a?"
  • "a{}" and "a{,}" are treated like "a*"
  • You can use these escape sequences in an expression:
    • '.' : literal '.'
    • '*' : literal '*'
    • '+' : literal '+'
    • '?' : literal '?'
    • '[' : literal '['
    • ']' : literal ']'
    • '(' : literal '('
    • ')' : literal ')'
    • '{' : literal '{'
    • '}' : literal '}'
    • '|' : literal '|'
    • '^' : literal '^'
    • '$' : literal '$'
    • '<' : literal '<'
    • '>' : literal '>'
    • ':' : literal ':'
    • '\r' : Carriage return
    • '\n' : Line feed
    • '\t' : tab
    • '\d' : digit, equivalent to [0-9]
    • '\a' : alphabetic, equivalent to [a-zA-Z]
    • '\u' : uppercase character, equivalent to [A-Z]
    • '\l' : lowercase character, equivalent to [a-z]
    • '\s' : space, equivalent to [ \r\n\t]
    • '\w' : 'word' character, equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]
    • '\x' : hex character, equivalent to [0-9a-fA-F]
  • "[...]" are used to match sets of characters, for example "[abc]" is equivalent to "(:a|b|c)" (although the internal implementation is different; "[abc]" should be preferred because it is less expensive)
  • You can use the '-' operator within sets to display ranges of characters, for example "[0-9]" is equivalent to "[0123456789]"
  • You can use these escape sequences within sets:
    • '-' : literal '-'
    • '^' : literal '^'
    • ']' : literal ']'
    • '\r', '\n', '\t' : Carriage return, line feed and tab, respectively
    • '\d' : digit, equivalent to '0-9'
    • '\a' : alphabetic, equivalent to 'a-zA-Z'
    • '\u' : uppercase character, equivalent to 'A-Z'
    • '\l' : lowercase character, equivalent to 'a-z'
    • '\s' : space, equivalent to ' \r\n\t'
    • '\w' : 'word' character, equivalent to 'a-zA-Z0-9_'
    • '\x' : hex character, equivalent to '0-9a-fA-F'
  • '<' matches the beginning of a word
  • '>' matches the ending of a word
  • '\b' works like both a '<' and a '>': "\babc\b" is equivalent to "<abc>"
  • Everything after '\i' will be case-insensitive, and everything after '\I' will be case-sensitive, so that "\iabc\Iabc" will match "abcabc", "ABCabc", "Abcabc" etc. but not "abcABC". It is case-sensitive by default.
  • Back references can also be case-insensitive: "([abc]{3})-\i\0" will match "abc-ABC" (but not "aBc-ABC" because the first "[abc]{3}" is case- sensitive)

(The syntax can be obtained from the comments in wrx_comp.c by typing $ grep "\*\\$" wrx_comp.c in the shell)


Some definitions in wrxcfg.h can be changed to alter the behaviour of the engine. In particular:

  • Defining DEBUG_OUTPUT prints debug information to stdout during wrx_comp() and wrx_exec()

  • The way in which wrx_comp() is implemented requires several states to be added which does nothing. They have MOV opcodes which simply means that wrx_exec() should move to the next state when these are encountered. The optimize() function in wrx_comp.c simply runs through each state and changes every state transition which leads to a MOV to transition to the MOV's target so that this does not need to be done in wrx_exec(). Undefining OPTIMIZE removes this functionality, which is sometimes helpful when troubleshooting wrx_comp.c.

  • Redefining ESC to another character changes the escape character, which is currently set to a backslash. My intention is that you can change it to suit your particular needs: If you use the functions directly in a C program, you can change it to, say '%' (like Lua's), so that you can type for example

      r = wrx_comp("^%d+", &e, &ep);

    instead of

      r = wrx_comp("^\\d+", &e, &ep);

    thus eliminating the need to double the backslash.

    I'm planning to use this trick in a scripting language that already uses '\' as an escape character in string constants. The Lua scripting language already does this (see

(redefining ESC should be tested first, as all my development centered arround using '' as an escape character)

My TODO and pitfalls list:

Like all backtracking expression engines, wregex is susceptible to problems:

  • The expression "(:a*)*b" cannot match "aaaaab" and will cause a runtime error. In general expressions such as this where there's a '*' on both sides of the ')' should be avoided, or one should use lazy operators '*?' and '+?' as in "(:a*)*?b" which will work.
  • The expression "(:x+x+)+y" will have no trouble matching the string "xxxxxxy", but it will run into trouble when detecting that "xxxxxx" is not a match. In this case the performance will degrade exponentially with each additional 'x'. Once again the problem relates to having a '+' on both sides of the ')'.

[5] refers to these types of problems as "catastrophic backtracking". Fortunately in most cases it is possible to rewrite the regex in such a way as to avoid these problems.

(See my references below for more information and tips for how to avoid these problems, probably being the best place to start if you're a novice)

Expressions containing curly braces, say "A{m,n}", are implemented by repeating the preceding expression A n times. For example, A{1,4} is handled internally as AA?A?A?.

Because of this expressions like ((((a{1,100})){1,100}){1,100}){1,100} can be very expensive, this one requiring O(100^4) states internally to store the wregex_t.

In the current version of wregex wrx_comp() will complain that too many states are required to store the above expression, and there are currently no plans to remedy this.

Russ Cox [2] hints that a Thompson-type engine is able to do sub-match extraction, as well as non-greedy evaluation. Unfortunately it gives no indication of how this is achieved.

The Thompson scheme's greatest disadvantage is that it cannot handle back references, but these do not occur that frequently.

Thompson's evaluation method's greatest advantage is that it does not suffer from the same backtracking problems (since it does not do any backtracking at all) and it is therefore very attractive.

If I can ever figure out how it works, it might be worth adding it in a separate function, say wrx_thom(), in a separate source file. I can then add another function that can choose between wrx_exec() and wrx_thom() depending on whether or not the expression uses back references.

Apparently Rob Pike implemented such a scheme in his SAM text editor. I've looked at some of the SAM code but I don't yet understand how it implements the sub-match extraction (not that I looked that hard).

Ville Laurikari, the author of the TRE regular expression engine (, implemented this technique in TRE, and wrote a thesis on the topic. I just can't get myself to read it at this stage.

I expected that several places where MOV states are added in wrx_comp.c may be unnecessary, but removing them resulted in some strange problems.

Fortunately, the optimize() function in wrx_comp.c gets rid of all these MOV states.

Ideas from and and

  1. Match the escape sequence \xFF where FF are 2 hexadecimal digits: Matches the character with the specified ASCII/ANSI value, which depends on the code page used. Can be used in character classes eg. \xA9 matches © when using the Latin-1 code page. ( On second thought it is not really that useful since I'm not supporting unicode, besides I already use \x for something else )
  2. On second thought, "lookaround" don't seem too complicated to implement, although it would require some changes to the structures used to store the states within the NFA (it should be recursive - i.e the state structure should keep another wregex_t * in the union used for the bit-vectors and indexes)
  3. Some engines also support comments in the form (?#comment). I don't think that it is difficult to implement (but is it really useful?)
  4. .Net and Python allow for named backreferences: (?<name>regex) or (?'name'regex) capture the text matched by the regex inside them that can be referenced by the name between the single quotes. The name may consist of letters and digits, and then the backreferences \k<name> or \k'name' substituted with the text matched by the capturing group with the given name e.g. (?<group>abc|def)=\k<group> matches abc=abc or def=def, but not abc=def or def=abc.


In implementing this Regex pattern matcher, I consulted these sources:

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. - Jamie Zawinski


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