The java version of the classical Chinese compiler is an extension of the 文言文编程语言
ecology, which is part of the WenYan Programming Language
project. It can compile 文言文编程语言
into groovy scripts.
Or convert to class bytecode and run on the JVM platform, so it can call all code libraries in the Java ecosystem.
It simulates an array of programming languages such as the js language, and derives syntactic sugar, so that most of the 文言文编程语言
source files based on the js compiler version can be compiled and compatible on the JVM.
You can find its in the file source code link
The compiler script file has not been completed, but you can do it through a jar file, as the following instructions
java -jar wenyan.jar -c HelloWorld.wy out -r
For compiler parameter interpretation
value: true / false support pinyin
value: @MakeFile (compile files in batches), write the file path line by line / a file name, compile only one file
value: path to output folder
value: lib used for compilation, multiple lib paths; split
value: run-time parameters Note: This option must be placed last, it will run the file
You can also import the jar package and use it as API
import cn.wenyan.compiler.WenYanTools
def func = WenYanTools.makeCompiler
def javaClass = compiler.compileToClass("HelloWorld","吾有一言,曰『问天地好在』,書之。")
API for external calls
public interface WenYanCompiler extends Compile,RunCode{
Class<?> compileToClass(String className,String... wenyanString);
void runFile(String file,String[] args);
void runFile(String file);
void runFile(File file) throws IOException;
// = compile(wenyan)
String dispatch(String wenyan);
// 简体中文 to 繁体中文
String getTraditionalChinese(String wenyan);
- Currently in development, not all syntax is complete
- The syntax of the implementation can be found in README