Inspired by the Google Maps API wrapper for Node.js
This library implements the following Here Maps APIs.
npm install node-heremaps
var HereMapsAPI = require('node-heremaps').default; // es5
import HereMapsAPI from 'node-heremaps'; // es6
var config = {
app_id: '<YOUR-APP-ID>',
app_code: '<YOUR-APP-CODE>'
var hmAPI = new HereMapsAPI(config);
// geocode API
var geocodeParams = {
"searchtext": "121, Curtain Road, EC2A 3AD, London UK"
hmAPI.geocode(geocodeParams, function(err, result){
// matrix routing API
var matrixRoutingParams = {
start0: "25.6586716,-100.3583278",
destination0: "25.6522234,-100.2942806",
mode: "fastest;car;traffic:enabled;" // this mode is set by default
hmAPI.matrixRouting(matrixRoutingParams, function(err, result){
I'm planning on covering most of the Here Maps REST API any help is appreciated!