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Message syntax

Message roughly resembles ICU MessageFormat.

Unquoted texts

The following characters can appear unescaped in the text.

  • Any characters except {, }, ', <, and #
  • ' not followed by {, }, ', <, # or |.
  • # except directly under the plural/selectordinal argument.
// Interpreted literally because there is no syntax character
evaluate("Hello, world!")
// => "Hello, world!"

// Interpreted literally because the apostrophe is not followed by syntax characters
evaluate("There's one message.")
// => "There's one message."

// Interpreted literally because # has no meaning here
evaluate("The #1 translation library ever")
// => "The #1 translation library ever"

Quoted texts

' can be used to escape syntax characters.

  • ' starts a quoted text if followed by {, }, <, # or |.
  • ' ends a quoted text if not followed by another '.
// These two messages are the same
evaluate("Unmatched '{' and '}'")
// => "Unmatched { and }"
evaluate("Unmatched '{ and }'")
// => "Unmatched { and }"

Quoted quotes

'' is interpreted as a single apostrophe.

// These two messages are the same
evaluate("There's one message.")
// => "There's one message."
evaluate("There''s one message.")
// => "There's one message."

Simple string parameters

Use { and } to embed parameters from the application.

For string parameters, you can simply enclose the parameter name with { and }.

// Named parameters
evaluate("Approve {name}'s request", { name: "John" })
// => "Approve John's request"

// Positional parameters (indexed from 0)
evaluate("Approve {0}'s request", ["John"])
// => "Approve John's request"

Currently, names have one of the following forms:

  • Named parameters: /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
  • Positional parameters: /0|[1-9][0-9]*/

Within { and }, whitespace between tokens are ignored.

Formatting numbers

You can add additional keywords to tell hi18n to format numbers, date, time and duration.

// Default number format
evaluate("Population: {population, number}", { population: 1234567 })
// => "Population: 1,234,567"

// Currency (not implemented yet)
evaluate("You have {balance, number, currency}", { balance: 1234567, currency: "USD" })

// Percentage
evaluate("{progress, number, percent} progress", { progress: 0.75 })
// => "75% progress"

// Custom number formatting via skeleton (not implemented yet)
evaluate("Estimate {value, number, ::@@#}", { value: 3126 })

Formatting date and time

// Default date formats
evaluate("{now, date}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "Jan 2, 2006" // same as medium
evaluate("{now, date, short}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "1/2/06"
evaluate("{now, date, medium}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "Jan 2, 2006"
evaluate("{now, date, long}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "January 2, 2006"
evaluate("{now, date, full}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "Monday, January 2, 2006"

// Default time formats
evaluate("{now, time}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "3:04:05 PM"
evaluate("{now, time, short}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "3:04 PM"
evaluate("{now, time, medium}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "3:04:05 PM"
evaluate("{now, time, long}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "3:04:05 PM GMT-7"
evaluate("{now, time, full}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "3:04:05 PM GMT-07:00"

// Custom date/time formatting via skeleton
evaluate("{now, time, ::MMMMdjmm}", { now: new Date(...), timeZone: "MST" })
// => "January 2, 3:04 PM"

A skeleton is a format specifier following ::.

A skeleton is a concatenation of the following tokens:

  • era: G (AD), GGGG (Anno Domini), GGGGG (A)
  • year: y (2022), yy (22)
  • month: M (9), MM (09), MMM (Sep), MMMM (September), MMMMM (S)
  • day: d (1), dd (01)
  • weekday: E (Fri), EEEE (Friday), EEEEE (F)
  • day period: a (in the afternoon), aaaa (in the afternoon), aaaaa (in the afternoon)
  • hour: j (5 PM), jj (05 PM) with the following variants:
    • h / hh forces 12-hour representation with the noon/midnight being 12
    • H / HH forces 24-hour representation with the midnight being 0
    • k / kk forces 24-hour representation with the midnight being 24
    • K / KK forces 12-hour representation with the noon/midnight being 0
  • minute: m (3), mm (03)
  • second: s (2), ss (02)
  • fraction seconds: S (.1), SS (.10), SSS (.102)
  • time zone name: z (PDT), zzzz (Pacific Daylight Time), O (GMT-8), OOOO (GMT-08:00), v (PT), vvvv (Pacific Time)

Note that the order of the tokens doesn't matter; they are appropriately reordered depending on the locale.

Selecting messages based on plural forms, ordinals, or list lengths

Use plural or selectordinal to select plural forms.

evaluate("{count, plural, one {You have # message.} other {You have # messages.}}", { count: 1 })
// => "You have 1 message."

After plural, there is a list of branches. Be aware that there are no commas between branches.

Branch condition has one of the following forms:

examples condition
Exact match =0, =1, =2, ... value === branch.value
Plural forms zero, one, two, few, many pluralForm(value - offset) ===
Catch-all other true

Please note zero, one, and two does not always match if the value is 0, 1, and 2, respectively. The inverse doesn't hold either: zero, one, and two may match values other than 0, 1, and 2, respectively.

  • In English, 0 and 2 resolves as other, not zero nor two.
  • In English, in ordinals, 21 resolves as one.
  • In Russian, 2 resolves as few, not two.
  • In Russian, 21 resolves as one.

Selecting ordinal forms (not implemented yet)

With selectordinal to branch on ordinal forms:

evaluate("{rank, selectordinal, one {#st} two {#nd} few{#rd} other{#th}}", { rank: 21 })
// => "21st"

Using exact match

Exact match is often useful if we need to special-case 0.

evaluate("{count, plural, =0 {You have no message.} one {You have # message.} other {You have # messages.}", { count: 0 })
// => "You have no message."

Counting remainders via offset:

Use offset: to count remainders.

evaluate("{count, plural, offset:1 =0 {No one liked the article.} =1 {{name} liked the article.} one {{name} and # other liked the article.} other {{name} and # others like the article.}}", { count: 3, name: "John" })
// => "John and 2 other liked the article."

offset: affects the following:

  • Determining plural forms
  • The value pointed to by #

offset: doesn't affect the following:

  • Exact match condition

Component formatting with <> ... </>

Translations can have markups when their semantics are provided by the application.

// Example with React JSX
evaluate("Please <link>verify your email</link>.", { link: <a href="" /> })
// => <>Please <a href="">verify your email</a>.</>

Tag names can also be a number (unlike XML/HTML).

// Example with React JSX
evaluate("Please <0>verify your email</0>.", [<a href="" />])
// => <>Please <a href="">verify your email</a>.</>

You can also use self-closing tags.

// Example with React JSX
evaluate("Easy come.<br/>Easy go.", { br: <br /> })
// => <>Easy come.<br/>Easy go.<>

Whitespace sensitivity

  • Within quoted and unquoted texts, whitespace is also interpreted literally.

  • Between { and }, whitespaces between tokens are ignored. Following is the list of tokens consisting of multiple characters:

    • Identifiers and keywords (e.g. foo)
    • Numbers (e.g. 123)
    • Exact match branch (e.g. =123)
    • Skeleton specifier ::
    • Offset specifier offset:
  • In a tag, whitespaces can only appear after the tag name. /> should also appear consecutively.

    • Valid: <foo>, <foo >, </foo>, </foo >, <foo/>, <foo />
    • Invalid: < foo>, </ foo>, < /foo>, < foo/>, <foo/ >

Grammar Summary

// Message entrypoint
Message ::= MessageQ
          | MessageU

// Message ending with quoted text
MessageQ ::= MessageU QuotedText
// Message not ending with quoted text
MessageU ::= ε
           | MessageU NonQuoteElement
           | MessageQ NonQuoteElement

// Quoted text (must start with syntax characters)
QuotedText ::= "'" QuotableCharacter QuotedTextElement "'"

QuotedTextElement ::= QuotedTextCharacter
                    | DoubleQuote

QuotedTextCharacter ::= any character but not "'"

DoubleQuote ::= "'" "'"

QuotableCharacter ::= "{" | "}" | "#" | "|" | "<"

NonQuoteElement ::= NonQuotedTextElement
                  | BraceArgument
                  | ElementArgument

NonQuotedTextElement ::= PlainCharacter
                       | DoubleQuote
                       | "'" StrictPlainCharacter

SyntaxCharacter ::= "{" | "}" | "#" | "<" | "'"
PlainCharacter ::= any character but not SyntaxCharacter
StrictPlainCharacter ::= PlainCharacter but not "|"

BraceArgument ::= "{" S* ArgumentName S* "}"
                | "{" S* ArgumentName S* "," S* ArgumentOptions S* "}"

ArgumentName ::= Identifier
               | Number
Identifier ::= IdentifierStart IdentifierContinue*
IdentifierStart ::= "a" ... "z"
                  | "A" ... "Z"
                  | "_"
IdentifierContinue ::= IdentifierStart
                     | "0" ... "9"
Number ::= "0"
         | NonZeroDigit Digit*
NonZeroDigit ::= "1" ... "9"
Digit ::= "0" ... "9"

ArgumentOptions ::= "number"
                  | "number" S* "," S* NumberStyle
                  | "date"
                  | "date" S* "," S* DateStyle
                  | "time"
                  | "time" S* "," S* TimeStyle
                  | "plural" S* "," S* PluralStyle
                  | "selectordinal" S* "," S* PluralStyle
                  | "select" S* "," S* SelectStyle

NumberStyle ::= "integer"
              | "currency"
              | "percent"
              | "::" S* NumberSkeleton

NumberSkeleton ::= (TODO)

DateStyle ::= "short"
            | "medium"
            | "long"
            | "full"
            | "::" S* DateSkeleton

TimeStyle ::= "short"
            | "medium"
            | "long"
            | "full"

DateSkeleton ::= DateSkeletonToken+
  (here we have additional restriction that tokens with the same character must not be placed adjacent)

DateSkeletonToken ::= "G" | "GGGG" | "GGGGG"
                    | "y" | "yy"
                    | "M" | "MM" | "MMM" | "MMMM" | "MMMMM"
                    | "d" | "dd"
                    | "E" | "EEEE" | "EEEEE"
                    | "a" | "aaaa" | "aaaaa"
                    | "j" | "jj"
                    | "h" | "hh"
                    | "H" | "HH"
                    | "k" | "kk"
                    | "K" | "KK"
                    | "m" | "mm"
                    | "s" | "ss"
                    | "S" | "SS" | "SSS"
                    | "z" | "zzzz"
                    | "O" | "OOOO"
                    | "v" | "vvvv"

PluralStyle ::= Offset S* PluralBranches
              | PluralBranches

Offset ::= "offset:" S* Number

PluralBranches ::= PluralBranch
                 | PluralBranches S* PluralBranch
  (here the last branch should be the "other" branch)

PluralBranch ::= PluralCondition S* "{" Message "}"

PluralCondition ::= Identifier
                  | "=" Number

SelectStyle ::= (TODO)

ElementArgument ::= StartTag Message EndTag
                  | SelfClosingTag
  (here the name of the start tag must match the end tag)

StartTag ::= "<" ArgumentName S* ">"
EndTag ::= "</" ArgumentName S* ">"
SelfClosingTag ::= "<" ArgumentName S* "/>"

// Whitespace
S ::= " " | "\n" | "\r" | "\t"