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A simple package provides an easy way to build evolutionary biology models and simulate them by Gillespie's direct method algorithm.


DifferentialEquations.jl is a brilliant suite solving deferential equations, including simulating jump process with Gillespie algorithm, and it is a very good choice. However, it is not suitable for solving differential equations with "variable length" state, which is the main reason why I created this package.

For example, in a SIR model, the host population is composed of "Susceptible", "Infected" and "Recovered".

In a normal case, there are only one type of "host" and one type "virus" in the system. Thus the state of host population can be represent as a vector u = [S, I, R], In a complex case, the host population can be composed of many types of "host" and infected by many types of "virus". In a system with n types of "hosts" and m types of "viruses", the state of host population can also be represented as a vector by concatenating the state of each component of host u = vcat(S, vec(I), vec(R)), where S is a vector of length n and I, R are matrixes of size n × m. However, in evolutionary biology, the "mutation" and "extinction" will change the types of hosts and viruses, which means the n and m changes during the evolution, and the length of the state vector u will also change.

How to use?

The package Catalyst.jl provides a simple way to build biochemical reaction for DifferentialEquations.jl. Similarly, this package provides a macro @reaction_eq which generate reaction(s), with given equation.

For example, the infect reaction of above SIR model with multi-type of viruses can be defined as:

@reaction_eq infect β S + I[i] --> 2I[i]

where i donates the virus type. The equation S + I[i] --> 2I[i] means the an host infected by the virus i infect a susceptible host with rate β, then convert the the susceptible host to a infectious host. This expression will not only generate one reaction but a group of reactions trough the index i.

However, the mutation and extinction can not be defined easily by the macro @reaction_eq currently. Thus the alternative macro @reaction provides a low-level way to build reaction(s)

@reaction mutation begin
    @quickloop μ * I[i]
        i = ind[1]
        I[i] -= 1 # the host individual is converted to another type
        push!(I, 1) # add a new type of infectious host to the system
        push!(α, randn() + α[i]) # the virulence of the new host type is generated randomly with mean `α[i]`

This expression defined mutation of virus which contains two parts:

  1. The @quickloop μ * I[i] defines how to calculate the rate of mutation,
  2. The begin ... end block defines what happens when the host is mutated, where ind is a preserved variable which is used to store the index of the mutated host.

Once you have defined all reactions, put them together as a tuple:

reactions = (infect, mutation, ...)

and define the initial state and parameters of the system as a named tuple:

params == 0.1, μ = 0.001, ..., S = scalar(100), I = [1], R = [0], α = [0.5])

where the scalar will create a type similar to Number, but it can be update in-place like Ref like S[] += 1.

Once reaction and parameters is defined, you can use gillespie to simulate the system:

max_time = 100 # the maximum time of simulation
params′, t, term = gillespie(max_time, params, reactions)

where the gillespie function returns an tuple t, ps′, term where t is the time when the simulation ends, params′ is an updated params, and term is a flag indicating whether the simulation is finished after the maximum time or break with given flag.

Note: Changes of the state will not be recorded by default, but you can use my another package RecordedArrays to record them, like this:

using RecordedArrays
c = DiscreteClock(max_time) # clock store information of max_time
S = recorded(DynamicEntry, c, 100) # create a recorded number as S with the clock c
I = recorded(DynamicEntry, c, [1]) # create a recorded vector as I with the clock c
R = recorded(DynamicEntry, c, [0]) # create a recorded vector as R with the clock c
α = recorded(StaticEntry, c, [0.5]) # create a recorded vector as α with the clock c
params = (; β = 0.1, μ = 0.001, ..., S, I, R, α) # create new params with recorded S, I, R, α
gillespie(c, params, reactions) # run the simulation with the clock and new params

More information about RecordedArrays, see its documentation.