<p>While the row role can be used in a <rref>table</rref>, <rref>grid</rref>, or <rref>treegrid</rref>, the semantics of <sref>aria-expanded</sref>, <pref>aria-posinset</pref>, <pref>aria-setsize</pref>, and <pref>aria-level</pref> are only applicable to the hierarchical structure of an interactive tree grid. Therefore, authors MUST NOT apply <sref>aria-expanded</sref>, <pref>aria-posinset</pref>, <pref>aria-setsize</pref>, and <pref>aria-level</pref> to a <rref>row</rref> that descends from a <rref>table</rref> or <rref>grid</rref>, and user agents SHOULD NOT expose any of these four properties to assistive technologies unless the <rref>row</rref> descends from a <rref>treegrid</rref>.
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