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198 lines (158 loc) · 5.65 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (158 loc) · 5.65 KB

High resolution

output_dir = "report"

Install dtwSat package

install.packages(c("dtwSat", "scales", "reshape2", "xtable"))

Read input data


# Read raster file 
ndvi = brick("./data/NDVI_time-series_DOY1-360_25k-aoi.img")

# Read time information 
dates = scan("./data/timeline",what="Date")
##  [1] "2015-01-10" "2015-01-30" "2015-02-19" "2015-03-11" "2015-03-31"
##  [6] "2015-04-20" "2015-05-10" "2015-05-30" "2015-06-19" "2015-07-09"
## [11] "2015-07-29" "2015-08-18" "2015-09-07" "2015-09-27" "2015-10-17"
## [16] "2015-11-06" "2015-11-26" "2015-12-16"
# Read samples 
field_samples = read.csv("./data/samples.csv")
##     X             label    x    y longitude latitude       from         to
## 1   1 Grassland-managed  646  939    392060  5792900 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 2   2             Wheat  794  895    395020  5793780 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 3   3          Hayfield  785  893    394840  5793820 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 4   4          Hayfield  616 1102    391460  5789640 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 5   5             Wheat  550 1130    390140  5789080 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 6   6              Corn  548 1081    390100  5790060 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 7   7          Rapeseed  404 1021    387220  5791260 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 8   8             Wheat  403  994    387200  5791800 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 9   9               Oat  398  999    387100  5791700 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 10 10 Coniferous Forest 4193 5040    383840  5799220 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 11 11             Water 4561 5276    391200  5794500 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 12 12  Deciduous Forest 4235 5060    384680  5798820 2015-01-10 2015-12-16
## 13 13         Grassland 4367 5103    387320  5797960 2015-01-10 2015-12-16

Create raster time series object

# Create raster time series 
rts = twdtwRaster(ndvi, timeline=dates, filepath = output_dir, 
                  format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
## An object of class "twdtwRaster"
## Time series layers: doy ndvi 
## Time range: 2015-01-10 ... 2015-12-16 
## dimensions: 2 1250 1250 18 (nlayers, nrow, ncol, length)
## resolution: 20 20  (x, y)
## extent    : 379160 404160 5786660 5811660 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord.ref.: +proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0

Get time series and create temporal patterns

# Get field samples time sereis 
field_samples_ts = getTimeSeries(rts, y=field_samples, proj4string = projection(rts)) 
## An object of class "twdtwTimeSeries"
## Slot "timeseries" length: 13 
## Slot "labels": [1] Grassland-managed Wheat             Hayfield         
## 10 Levels: Coniferous Forest Corn Deciduous Forest ... Wheat
# Plot sample time series  
plot(field_samples_ts, type="timeseries") + 
    facet_wrap(~Series, scales = "free_x", ncol=4) 

Field samples of Sentinel time series.

Field samples of Sentinel time series.

# Create temporal patterns 
sentinel_patterns = createPatterns(x = field_samples_ts, formula=y~s(x))
## An object of class "twdtwTimeSeries"
## Slot "timeseries" length: 10 
## Slot "labels": [1] Coniferous Forest Corn              Deciduous Forest 
## 10 Levels: Coniferous Forest Corn Deciduous Forest ... Wheat
# Plot temporal patterns 
plot(sentinel_patterns, type="patterns")

Sentinel temporal patterns.

Sentinel temporal patterns.

Apply TWDTW analysis and classify raster time series

The smoothed temporal patterns don not look good. Therefore, the test runs using the raw samples (in field_samples_ts) extracted from the raster time series.

# Define weight function 
log_fun = logisticWeight(alpha=-0.1,beta=50)
# Apply TWDTW analysis
proc_time = system.time(
  twdtw_res <- twdtwApply(x=rts, y=field_samples_ts,, format="GTiff", 
                          filepath = output_dir, overwrite=TRUE, 
                          mc.cores=10, chunk.size=1000)
save(twdtw_res, file="twdtw_res.RData")
# Processing time in min 
##      user    system   elapsed 
## 6149.8358  375.3689 1679.6704
# Plot land use maps 
plot(x=twdtw_res, type = "distance")

TWDTW distances for each class.

TWDTW distances for each class.

# Classify results 
postproc_time = system.time(
  classification <- twdtwClassify(x = twdtw_res, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
# Post-processing time in min 
##        user      system     elapsed 
## 0.850950000 0.005766667 0.865466667
save(classification, file = "classification.RData")

Visualising the results

# Plot land use maps 
plot(x=classification, type = "maps")

Land use maps.

Land use maps.

# Plot TWDTW distance 
plot(x=classification, type = "distance")

TWDTW distance measure.

TWDTW distance measure.