A curated list of awesome things related to VuePress V2
- A step by step tutorial creating and using VuePress Project (中文版本)
- Markdown Guide (中文版本)
- Define variables and use them in markdown
- Mr.Hope's Blog: An example to use VuePress2 to build blogs on GitHub Pages. Check Deploy workflow for more details.
Maintained by vuepress:
- @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top: Back to top button
- @vuepress/plugin-baidu-analytics: Integrate Baidu Analytics into VuePress.
- @vuepress/plugin-catalog:Aautomatically generate catalog pages and provide catalog components.
- @vuepress/plugin-container: Register markdown custom containers in your VuePress site.
- @vuepress/plugin-copy-code: Provide copy button for code blocks.
- @vuepress/plugin-copyright: Automatically append copyright information when visitors copy content, can also prohibit site copying or selection
- @vuepress/plugin-external-link-icon: Add a icon to the external link in your markdown content
- @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics: Integrate Google Analytics into VuePress.
- @vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom: Integrate medium-zoom into VuePress, which can provide the ability to zoom images.
- @vuepress/plugin-nprogress: Integrate nprogress into VuePress, which can provide a progress bar when navigating to another page.
- @vuepress/plugin-photo-swipe: photo preview plugin🔍 based on
- @vuepress/plugin-redirect: Automatically handle redirects for your site.
- @vuepress/plugin-register-components: Register Vue components from component files or directory automatically.
- @vuepress/plugin-docsearch: Integrate Algolia DocSearch into VuePress
- @vuepress/plugin-search: Provide local search to your documentation site.
- @vuepress/plugin-blog: Blog plugin
- @vuepress/plugin-feed: Provide atom, json and rss feeds
- @vuepress/plugin-pwa: Make your VuePress site a Progressive Web Application (PWA).
- @vuepress/plugin-remove-pwa: Removes any existing service worker from your VuePress site.
- @vuepress/plugin-seo: Provide SEO enhancement, including OGP and JSON-LD.
- @vuepress/plugin-sitemap: Generate sitemap.xml for your site.
- @vuepress/plugin-prismjs: Enable syntax highlighting for markdown code fence with Prism.js
- @vuepress/plugin-shiki: Enable syntax highlighting for markdown code fence with Shiki
- @vuepress/plugin-active-header-links: Update route hash when scrolling pages.
- @vuepress/plugin-git: Collect git information of your pages, including the created and updated time, the contributors, etc.
- @vuepress/plugin-palette: Provide palette support for your theme.
- @vuepress/plugin-reading-time: Word count and reading time for each page.
- @vuepress/plugin-rtl: Provide rtl support
- @vuepress/plugin-theme-data: Provide client data for your theme, with VuePress I18n support.
- @vuepress/plugin-toc: Provide a table-of-contents (TOC) component.
vuepress-plugin-comment2: VuePress2 comment plugin💬, supports Giscus, Twikoo and Waline.
vuepress-plugin-components: Markdown components out of box🧩
vuepress-plugin-md-enhance: VuePress2 Markdown enhancement plugin📄
Fully tree-shakable, features including attrs, tabs, code tabs, hint boxes, footnote, mark, subscript, superscript, snippets, imageTitle, imageLazyload, imageSize, imageMark, custom alignment, task lists, chart.js, flowchart.js, katex, mathjax, diagrams (mermaid), slides (reveal.js), playground, vue playground, code demos, etc.
vuepress-plugin-sass-palette: VuePress2 palette plugin for sass🎨, an improved edition over the official one.
vuepress-plugin-search-pro: VuePress2 plugin to provide client search, an improved edition over the official one.
vuepress-plugin-lightgallery: Light Gallery plugin for VuePress2 (to provide image preview)
vuepress-plugin-use-pages - VuePress2 plugin that helps you use array of all PagesData in your doc.
@snippetors/vuepress-plugin-tabs - VuePress2 plugin which renders custom markdown containers as tabs, for vuepress v2.x
vuepress-plugin-archive - VuePress2 plugin that add article archiving and timeline functions to the site, for vuepress v2.x
vuepress-plugin-netabare-switch - VuePress2 plugin to add toggle switch for spoilers.
vuepress-plugin-china-search-console - 🌐 VuePress2 plugin to enhance china seo | include baidu tongji (analytics), baidu auto push, 360 autopush, tiaotiao(ByteDance) autopush.
vuepress-plugin-imagemin: VuePress2 plugin for compressing image assets.
@goy/vuepress-plugin-svg-icons: VuePress2 plugin for managing svg icons via svg sprite
vuepress-plugin-social-share: VuePress2 plugin which provides social sharing services
vuepress-plugin-iconify: VuePress2 plugin make it easier to use icons in VuePress
vuepress-plugin-netlify-functions VuePress2 plugin to basis support for netlify functions when you want deploy to netlify and use netlify functions.
vuepress-plugin-markdown-define2: VuePress2 plugin to define variables in markdown.
@condorhero/vuepress-plugin-export-pdf-v2: VuePress2 plugin exports your website as a PDF file.
vuepress-plugin-anchor-right: VuePress2 plugin,It is used to generate the right navigation directory anchor!
vuepress-plugin-open-graph: Plugin for generating open graph meta tags
vuepress-plugin-remove-html-extension: Plugin for generating clean urls
vuepress-plugin-umami-analytics: Plugin for using Umami analytics
vuepress-plugin-alert: Plugin for add site announcement on the top right corner.
vuepress-plugin-blog-sync: Input blog site info, generate VuePress2 site automatically | 输入网站基本信息,一键生成 VuePress2 文档站
@cinar/wordpress-to-vuepress-migration: WordPress to VuePress 2 migration script.
vuepress-plugin-github-linkify: Adding and fixing GitHub links
vuepress-plugin-vue-example - A VuePress plugin to display Vue components' live examples and source code inside documentation.
- vuepress-plugin-full-text-search2: VuePress2 plugin that adds full-text search box.
- vuepress-plugin-mermaid-wrapper: Plugin for using Mermaid.js
- vuepress-plugin-clipboard: 🔘 VuePress2 plugin to generate code copy button | 代码块复制按钮
- @snippetors/vuepress-plugin-code-copy - VuePress2 plugin which provides a button to copy code block, for vuepress v2.x
- @yanyu-fe/vuepress-plugin-code-block - VuePress2 plugin for used to generate component code blocks.
- vuepress-theme-hope: A powerful theme with full of features, supports both documentation and blogging.
- vuepress-theme-reco: 🔥 The 2.x of vuepress-theme-reco.
- vuepress-theme-gungnir: 😺 A cool blog theme for VuePress 2.
- vuepress-theme-mix: 🎨 A VuePress 2 theme with a mix of features.
- vuepress-theme-dog: Opinionated vuepress blog theme. Preview
- vuepress-theme-plume A VuePress document & blog theme, low config,features-rich and beautiful.
- vuepress-theme-knzn A Vuepress awesome blog theme. Preview
- vuepress-theme-teadoc A new doc theme base on @vuepress/theme-default. Preview
- vuepress-theme-sidebar base on theme-default,autogenerate sidebar and right anchor.
Documentation websites that use VuePress@v2.
- Waline: A safe and fast comment system
- in 东师: 百万字的东师新生指南
- zkSync: A trustless protocol that uses cryptographic validity proofs to provide scalable and low-cost transactions on Ethereum
- SubQuery: A leading web3 data indexer that provides fast, flexible, and decentralised APIs for web3 projects
- Fast Request: IntelliJ IDEA plugin RESTful Fast Request
- JavaGuide: 「Java 学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
- Java 全栈知识体系 - Java 全栈知识体系 (Java full stack knowledge system).
- ustc campus: 中国科大夏令营指南与答疑汇总
- US-FE: US-FE 北美最大前端组织
- MapStructPlus:MapStructPlus 官方文档,MapStruct 中文文档
Blog websites that use VuePress@v2.
To the extent possible under law, ULIVZ and Mister-Hope has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.