diff --git a/active-rfcs/0000-props-model.md b/active-rfcs/0000-props-model.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/active-rfcs/0000-props-model.md
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+- Start Date: 2020-03-05
+- Target Major Version: 3.x
+- Reference Issues: (fill in existing related issues, if any)
+- Implementation PR: (leave this empty)
+# Summary
+Add a `prop` built-in modifier to `v-model` in order to support two-way binding for props using events.
+# Basic example
+With a `prop` modifier you'd able to create transparent `v-model` wrappers without extra hassle:
+Is equivalent to:
+Named models are also supported:
+Which is equivalent to:
+# Motivation
+Creating wrapper components around anything that uses `v-model` could be considered a somewhat cumbersome process at the moment.
+## Built-in models
+Firstly, you'll have to know what you're dealing with when using `v-model`: an html element or a component.
+It's important to distinguish between those because built-in inputs for example already have a custom behaviour for `v-model`.
+In order to preserve it you'll have to use a computed `v-model`:
+export default {
+ computed: {
+ model: {
+ get() { return this.value }
+ set(value) { this.$emit('input', value) }
+ }
+ }
+Simply using `@input="$emit('value', $event)"` on `` for example won't work because you'll be working with a DOM event, that's not processed by Vue's built-in model.
+You'll have to do this for each html element that has built-in `v-model` processing done by Vue (these include: ``, ``, ``, `