A collection of utility functions for Vue template AST traversal, transformation, assertion and creation.
npm add @vuedx/template-ast-types
Create AST Node
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export declare function createSimpleExpression(content: SimpleExpressionNode['content'], isStatic: SimpleExpressionNode['isStatic'], loc?: SourceLocation, isConstant?: boolean): SimpleExpressionNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | SimpleExpressionNode['content'] |
- |
isStatic | SimpleExpressionNode['isStatic'] |
- |
loc | SourceLocation |
- |
isConstant | boolean |
- |
Find the parent element node.
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export declare function findParentNode(ast: RootNode, node: Node): ElementNode | undefined;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ast | RootNode |
- |
node | Node |
- |
Find a child (element, component, text, interpolation, or comment) node containing the given position.
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export declare function findTemplateChildNodeAt(ast: RootNode, position: number, mode?: 'start' | 'end'): SearchResult;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ast | RootNode |
- |
position | number |
- |
mode | 'start' | 'end' |
Open/close range comparison mode: • undefined - position in [start, end] • 'start' — position in [start, end) • 'end' - position in (start, end] |
Get all child (element, component, text, interpolation, or comment) nodes contained in given range. (partial overlaps are ignored)
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export declare function findTemplateChildrenInRange(ast: RootNode, start: number, end: number): Node[];
Parameter | Type | Description |
ast | RootNode |
- |
start | number |
- |
end | number |
- |
Find the deepest node containing the given position.
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export declare function findTemplateNodeAt(ast: RootNode, position: number): SearchResult;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ast | RootNode |
- |
position | number |
- |
Find the deepest node containing the given position.
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export declare function findTemplateNodeInRange(ast: RootNode, start: number, end: number, mode?: 'start' | 'end'): SearchResult;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ast | RootNode |
- |
start | number |
- |
end | number |
- |
mode | 'start' | 'end' |
Open/close range comparison mode: • undefined - position in [start, end] • 'start' — position in [start, end) • 'end' - position in (start, end] |
Get all nodes contained in given range. (partial overlaps are ignored)
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export declare function findTemplateNodesInRange(ast: RootNode, start: number, end: number): Node[];
Parameter | Type | Description |
ast | RootNode |
- |
start | number |
- |
end | number |
- |
Checks if it is an AST AttributeNode.
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export declare function isAttributeNode(node: unknown): node is AttributeNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST CommentNode.
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export declare function isCommentNode(node: unknown): node is CommentNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST ComponentNode.
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export declare function isComponentNode(node: unknown): node is ComponentNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST ExpressionNode.
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export declare function isCompoundExpressionNode(node: unknown): node is SimpleExpressionNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST DirectiveNode.
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export declare function isDirectiveNode(node: unknown): node is DirectiveNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST ElementNode.
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export declare function isElementNode(node: unknown): node is ElementNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST ExpressionNode.
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export declare function isExpressionNode(node: unknown): node is ExpressionNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST InterpolationNode.
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export declare function isInterpolationNode(node: unknown): node is InterpolationNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is Vue template AST Node.
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export declare function isNode(node: unknown): node is Node;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST PlainElementNode.
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export declare function isPlainElementNode(node: unknown): node is PlainElementNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST RootNode.
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export declare function isRootNode(node: unknown): node is RootNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST ExpressionNode.
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export declare function isSimpleExpressionNode(node: unknown): node is SimpleExpressionNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is a valid JavaScript identifiers.
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export declare function isSimpleIdentifier(content: string): boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | string |
- |
Checks if it is an AST SlotNode.
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export declare function isSlotNode(node: unknown): node is SlotOutletNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST TemplateNode.
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export declare function isTemplateNode(node: unknown): node is TemplateNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Checks if it is an AST TextNode.
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export declare function isTextNode(node: unknown): node is TextNode;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | unknown |
- |
Convert template AST to template code.
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export declare function stringify(node: Node | Node[], options?: Partial<StringifyOptions>): string;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | Node | Node[] |
- |
options | Partial<StringifyOptions> |
- |
A general AST traversal utility with both prefix and postfix handlers, and a state object. Exposes ancestry data to each handler so that more complex AST data can be taken into account.
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export declare function traverse<T>(node: Node, handlers: TraversalHandler<T> | TraversalHandlers<T>, state?: T): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | Node |
- |
handlers | TraversalHandler | TraversalHandlers |
- |
state | T |
- |
An abortable AST traversal utility. Return false (or falsy value) to stop traversal.
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export declare function traverseEvery<T>(node: Node, enter: (node: Node, ancestors: TraversalAncestors, state: T) => boolean, state?: any, ancestors?: TraversalAncestors): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | Node |
- |
enter | (node: Node, ancestors: TraversalAncestors, state: T) => boolean |
- |
state | any |
- |
ancestors | TraversalAncestors |
- |
A faster AST traversal utility. It behaves same as [traverse()] but there is no ancestory data.
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export declare function traverseFast<T = any>(node: object, enter: (node: Node, state: T, stop: () => void) => void, state?: T): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | object |
- |
enter | (node: Node, state: T, stop: () => void) => void |
- |
state | T |
- |
export interface SearchResult {
ancestors: TraversalAncestors;
node: Node | null;
export interface StringifyOptions {
directive: 'shorthand' | 'longhand';
indent: number;
initialIndent: number;
replaceNodes: Map<Node, Node | null>;
export interface TraversalHandlers<T> {
enter?: TraversalHandler<T>;
exit?: TraversalHandler<T>;
This package is part of VueDX project, maintained by Rahul Kadyan. You can 💖 sponsor him for continued development of this package and other VueDX tools.