This dataset refers to MINI-RGBD (7 Gb) available online.
We perform on MINI-RGBD some modifications to obtain the Syntetcih_complete. The modifications are describerd below.
Each of the directory refers to a specific directory in the MINI-RGBD dataset. We described it in the README file of each pz[id unique] directory.
Each of pz[id unique] directory contains:
- 1000 16-bit images, already in the MINI-RGBD and viewable by downloading the Fiji program
- 1000 8-bit images, not present in the MINI-RGBD. We obtained them performing a conversion in uint8 from 16-bit images
The annotations files have been pushed to GitHub. If you want to know more details on annotations transformations respect to MINI-RGBD please refer to section 4.2. In the tfrecord directory there are the sub-folders related to dataset's configurations.
In each of configuration directory there are:
- the train, valid e test sets files in .tfrecord format
- sets_config file in pikle (.pkl) format that containg the infos on configuration.
- dic_history.pkl dictonary in which we have for each sets the pairs formed and the related position in the tfrecord file
Each of the images in the folders pz[id unique] has the following changes compared with the MINI-RGBD:
- 90 degree clockwise rotation of images
In addition, we have reduced the original MINI-RGBD annotations:
- Simplification of keypoints (from 24 keypoints to 14 keypoints)
- New positional IDs given to keypoints