2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | This document describes the architecture of the project.
4 | 4 |
5 |
| -- [Architecture](#architecture) |
6 |
| - - [`.github/workflows`](#githubworkflows) |
7 |
| - - [`check-semantic-prs.yml`](#check-semantic-prsyml) |
8 |
| - - [`ci.yml`](#ciyml) |
9 |
| - - [`deploy-docs.yml`](#deploy-docsyml) |
10 |
| - - [`.husky`](#husky) |
11 |
| - - [`docs`](#docs) |
12 |
| - - [`.vuepress`](#vuepress) |
13 |
| - - [`src`](#src) |
14 |
| - - [`api`](#api) |
15 |
| - - [`background`](#background) |
16 |
| - - [`common`](#common) |
17 |
| - - [`dto`](#dto) |
18 |
| - - [`interfaces`](#interfaces) |
19 |
| - - [`types`](#types) |
20 |
| - - [`config`](#config) |
21 |
| - - [`constants`](#constants) |
22 |
| - - [`database`](#database) |
23 |
| - - [`config` (for database)](#config-for-database) |
24 |
| - - [`decorators` (for database)](#decorators-for-database) |
25 |
| - - [`entities`](#entities) |
26 |
| - - [`migrations`](#migrations) |
27 |
| - - [`seeds`](#seeds) |
28 |
| - - [`data-source.ts`](#data-sourcets) |
29 |
| - - [`decorators`](#decorators) |
30 |
| - - [`exceptions`](#exceptions) |
31 |
| - - [`filters`](#filters) |
32 |
| - - [`generated`](#generated) |
33 |
| - - [`guards`](#guards) |
34 |
| - - [`i18n`](#i18n) |
35 |
| - - [`interceptors`](#interceptors) |
36 |
| - - [`libs`](#libs) |
37 |
| - - [`shared`](#shared) |
38 |
| - - [`utils`](#utils) |
39 |
| - - [`app.module.ts`](#appmodulets) |
40 |
| - - [`main.ts`](#maints) |
41 |
| - - [`test`](#test) |
42 |
| - - [`.env`](#env) |
43 |
| - - [`.gitignore`](#gitignore) |
44 |
| - - [`.prettierrc`](#prettierrc) |
45 |
| - - [`commitlint.config.mjs`](#commitlintconfigmjs) |
46 |
| - - [`docker-compose.yml`](#docker-composeyml) |
47 |
| - - [`Dockerfile`](#dockerfile) |
48 |
| - - [`eslint.config.mjs`](#eslintconfigmjs) |
49 |
| - - [`jest.config.json`](#jestconfigjson) |
50 |
| - - [`lint-staged.config.mjs`](#lint-stagedconfigmjs) |
51 |
| - - [`nest-cli.json`](#nest-clijson) |
52 |
| - - [`package.json`](#packagejson) |
53 |
| - - [`pnpm-lock.yaml`](#pnpm-lockyaml) |
54 |
| - - [`README.md`](#readmemd) |
55 |
| - - [`renovate.json`](#renovatejson) |
56 |
| - - [`setup-jest.mjs`](#setup-jestmjs) |
57 |
| - - [`tsconfig.build.json`](#tsconfigbuildjson) |
58 |
| - - [`tsconfig.json`](#tsconfigjson) |
| 5 | +--- |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +[[toc]] |
59 | 8 |
60 | 9 | ## `.github/workflows`
61 | 10 |
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