Load root in NavHostFramgent
//loadRoot with class
Fragivity .loadRoot (navHostFragment , HomeFragment .class );
//loadRoot with factory
Fragivity .loadRoot (navHostFragment , HomeFragment .class , () -> {
HomeFragment fragment = new HomeFragment ();
return fragment ;
Navigate to destination fragment
class MyFragment extends Fagment {
//navigate with class
Fragivity .of (this ).push (DestinationFragment .class );
//navigate with NavOptions
Bundle bundle = new Bundle ();
bundle .putString ("key ", "value ");
Fragivity .of (this ).push (DestinaionFragment .class ,
navOptionsBuilder ()
.setArguments (bundle )
.setEnterAnim (R .anim .slide_in )
.setExitAnim (R .anim .slide_out )
.setPopEnterAnim (R .anim .slide_in_pop )
.setPopExitAnim (R .anim .slide_out_pop )
.setLaunchMode (LaunchMode .STANDARD )
.build ());
//navigate with factory
Fragivity .of (this ).push (DestFragment .class , () -> {
return new DestFragment ();
}, navOptionsBuilder ()
.setArguments (bundle )
.build ());
Fragivity .of (fragment ).pop ();
Fragivity .of (fragment ).showDialog (DialogFragment .class , bundle );
class MyFragment extends Fragment {
@ Override
public void onViewCreated (@ NonNull View view , @ Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
super .onViewCreated (view , savedInstanceState );
SwipeBackUtil .getSwipeBackLayout (this ).setEnableGesture (true );