This sofware requires these third-party components to run:
- PostgreSQL database server (provided by most Linux distributions)
PostgreSQL in use by master server to store users, courses, submissions and other work time data.
- NGINX web server (provided by most Linux distributions)
NGINX web server will serve web application static files and deal with SSL certificates.
- Run install script '' as root. This will create user and group named 'yajudge', set proper writable directories permissions and create configuration files:
- /etc/yajudge/master-default.yaml
- /etc/yajudge/envoy-default.yaml
- /etc/yajudge/grader-default.yaml
- /etc/yajudge/grpcwebserver.yaml
- /etc/yajudge/sites-available/default.yaml
- /etc/yajudge/sites-enabled/default.yaml
- /etc/nginx/sites-available/yajudge-default.conf
- /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
- /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
- /etc/systemd/system/yajudge-grpcwebserver.service
- /etc/systemd/system/yajudge-grader-prepare.service
- /etc/systemd/system/yajudge-grader.slice
- /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
- /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
Note that it will not replace existing configuration files but will replace existing systemd files.
To create several configurations running the same server set CONFIG_NAME
environment variable before script run. Default value is default
and this name
in use by configuration file name suffices.
- Check created configuration files and create matching PostgreSQL database (default user name is 'yajudge', password 'yajudge' and database name 'yajudge') like this:
> psql yajudge # this might require root privileges or to be logged as postgres user
postgres=# create database yajudge;
postgres=# create user yajudge with password 'yajudge';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database yajudge to yajudge;
Initialize empty database structure by command
bin/yajudge-master initialize-database
Create Administrator user by command
bin/yajudge-master -C /etc/yajudge/master-default.yaml create-admin YOUR_ADMIN_LOGIN YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD
paremeter is required in case if you have several configurations. -
Unpack your courses and problems (not shipped within this package bundle) into directories specified by 'master-default.yaml' ('courses' and 'problems' subdirectories by default)
Create course iteration entry by command
bin/yajudge-master -C /etc/yajudge/master-default.yaml start-course --title COURSE_TITLE --data COURSE_DATA_SUBDIR --url URL_PREFIX
Prepare system root to be in use within isolated runs. The most convient way is to use
command for most Linux distributions.