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Friendly Pix Web

Friendly Pix Web is a sample app demonstrating how to build a JavaScript/Web app with the Firebase Platform.

Friendly Pix is a place where you can share photos, follow friends, comment on photos...

Initial setup, build tools and dependencies

Friendly Pix is built using Javascript, Firebase and jQuery. The Auth flow is build using Firebase-UI. Javascript dependencies are managed using bower and Build/Deploy tools dependencies are managed using npm. Also Friendly Pix is written in ES2015 so for wide browser support we'll transpile the code to ES5 using BabelJs.

Install all Build/Deploy tools dependencies by running:

$> npm install

Create Firebase Project

  1. Create a Firebase project using the Firebase Console.
  2. Enable Google as a Sign in provider in Firebase Console > Auth > Sign in Method tab.
  3. Enable Facebook as a Sign in provider in Firebase Console > Auth > Sign in Method tab. You'll need to provide your Facebook app's credentials. If you haven't yet you'll need to have created a Facebook app on Facebook for Developers
  4. Now click the WEB SETUP button in the top right corner to copy the initialization snippet it will look like this:
<script src="<VERSION>/firebase.js"></script>
  // Initialize Firebase
  var config = {
    apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
    authDomain: "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>",
    databaseURL: "https://<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>",
    storageBucket: "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>",

If the storageBucket value is empty you've hit a bug. Just close the window and click the WEB SETUP button again and you should get it.

Update the app with your firebase project

  1. In the root of the site locate the index.html in the root of the folder and replace the text below with the snippet you coppied above:
<!-- TODO(DEVELOPER): Paste the initialization snippet from: Firebase Console > Add Firebase to your web app. -->
  1. In the root of the site locate the file storage.rules and replace the storage bucket location with the one from firebase project:
// TODO: Change the <STORAGE_BUCKET> placeholder below
match /b/<STORAGE_BUCKET>/o {

Start a local development server

You need to have installed the Firebase CLI by running npm install.

You can start a local development server by running:

$> npm run serve

This will start firebase serve and make sure your Javascript files are transpiled automatically to ES5.

This is currently broken on Windows. On Windows please run the following commands separately instead: bower install, babel -w scripts -s --retain-lines -d lib and firebase serve.

Then open http://localhost:5000

Deploy the app

Deploy to Firebase using the following command:

$> npm run build
$> firebase deploy --project <PROJECT_ID>

This will install all runtime dependencies and transpile the Javascript code to ES5. Then this deploys a new version of your code that will be served from https://<PROJECT_ID>


We'd love that you contribute to the project. Before doing so please read our Contributor guide.


© Google, 2011. Licensed under an Apache-2 license.