add custom support for sqlite in sessions
add redis support for sessions
go back to vanilla Go for handling HTMX
figure out a simple file upload both locally and with s3
Static file gathering, minifying, and pushing to s3 -- probably as a script?
yasnippets to create Golang things
- generic file starting with package
- generic test
- generic file one-file with main/init
- generic test w/stretchr
- generic test for a route (no content)
- template variable via go:embed
- compiled template
- generic route with template pull and compiling, executed against anonymous struct
(no idea what I meant here) - extracting a cookie
- extract html via
- iterating over resp cookies and adding them to a further request
- full request-response-checkbody
- generic handler via
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { })
- Very Simple Binary deploy with Traefik or leveraging Nginx/certbot combo
- Various JS setups
- Tailwind CSS setup (via NPM) -- possibly as a cookiecutter flag?
- AlpineJS
- Support for non-SQLite databases via CLI
- add hCaptcha support => Stop bots and human abuse., possibly with cookiecutter flag?
- add Swagger support
Much less interest on my part with this
- Support for MongoDB via CLI
- Add HTMX and Hyperscript (download as a post hook, shutil and urllib3 in Python)
- add simple asynq task queues
- Add raw SQL query support -- getting stringified responses is kind of difficult