- CamlCase for Coq files, example:
- CamlCase for OCaml files, example:
- lowercase with dashes for scripts, example:
- UPPERCASE with underscores for documentation, example:
- CamlCase name, example:
Section StepRelations.
- indentation of two spaces for all code inside a section
- CamlCase name
- brackets on separate line indented by two spaces
- field declaration with C-style naming on separate line indented by four spaces
- one space between end of field declaration and semicolon
Class GhostFailureParams `(P : FailureParams) :=
ghost_data : Type;
ghost_init : ghost_data ;
ghost_net_handlers :
name -> name -> msg -> (ghost_data * data) -> ghost_data ;
ghost_input_handlers :
name -> input -> (ghost_data * data) -> ghost_data
- C-style names
- brackets on separate line indented by two spaces
- field declaration with C-style naming on separate line indented by four spaces
- one space between end of field declaration and semicolon
Instance base_params : BaseParams :=
data := raft_data ;
input := raft_input ;
output := raft_output
- name uses underscore as separator
- type declaration starts on a separate row
- no unnecessary type declarations for quantified variables
- line break after implication arrow
- proof script indented by two spaces
Theorem inverse_trace_relations_work :
forall s tr,
refl_trans_1n_trace step init s tr ->
R s ->
T tr.
intros. find_apply_lem_hyp refl_trans_1n_n1_trace.
remember init as s'.
induction H.
- subst. exfalso. eauto using R_false_init.
- subst. concludes.
destruct (R_dec x');
intuition eauto using T_monotonic, refl_trans_n1_1n_trace, R_implies_T.
- C-style name of (
) type - each case starts with a bar
- name of a case is the type name in CamelCase, followed by an underscore and a C-style identifier
- body of a case is indented by four spaces
Inductive step_async : step_relation network (name * (input + list output)) :=
| StepAsync_deliver : forall net net' p xs ys out d l,
nwPackets net = xs ++ p :: ys ->
net_handlers (pDst p) (pSrc p) (pBody p) (nwState net (pDst p)) = (out, d, l) ->
net' = mkNetwork (send_packets (pDst p) l ++ xs ++ ys)
(update name_eq_dec (nwState net) (pDst p) d) ->
step_async net net' [(pDst p, inr out)]
| StepAsync_input : forall h net net' out inp d l,
input_handlers h inp (nwState net h) = (out, d, l) ->
net' = mkNetwork (send_packets h l ++ nwPackets net)
(update name_eq_dec (nwState net) h d) ->
step_async net net' [(h, inl inp); (h, inr out)].