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DSA2: Resources for CS 3100 |
This course assumes knowledge of several topics from discrete math (CS2120 at UVA), two semesters of programming experience (through CS2100 at UVA), and data structures (also CS2100 at UVA). In particular, we assume knowledge of the following topics. Links to resources are provided:
- Logarithms and identities Log rules
- Sets CS2120 Set Review
- Functions Section 4.3 of the MCS textbook and CS2120 Function Notes
- Proof Techniques CS2120 Proof Techniques
- Direct Proofs CS2120 Direct Proofs
- Proof Styles, we’ll mostly be using “prose proofs” CS2120 Proof Style Guide
- Logic and Notation CS2120 Glossary of Logical Terms
- Recursion CS2100 Recursion, CS2110 Recursion Part 1
- Trees CS2100 Trees
- Lists CS2100 Lists
- Queues CS2100 Queues
- Stacks CS2100 Stacks
- Priority Queues CS2100 Priority Queues
- Hash Tables CS2100 Hash Tables
A good online textbook for Discrete Math Topics Mathematics for Computer Science