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209 lines (138 loc) · 7.6 KB


Codeship Status for uqlibrary/uqlibrary-mylibrary

This project acts as a container for all individual uqlibrary applications.

The current master build can be viewed here.

Setting up the project


You need the following installed

  1. NodeJS, with npm available in path (Check package.json for the required version)

  2. Java version 8

    • You can have multiple versions of Java installed on your system, while being able to switch between them using a tool like

    • On Debian-based systems, you can use the following command:

      sudo update-alternatives --config java
    • On OSX, java can be installed via brew. Note you need version 8. stack overflow has instructions for what packages are current

Run these commands in your Terminal to get all the required dev utilities.

npm install -g bower gulp-cli nightwatch web-component-tester npm@6

Install dependencies

npm install

This will install the local npm dev dependencies as well as bower dependencies used by the app.


  • Follow the Polymer style guide-lines

  • Run npm start to run a local environment

  • Refer to directions here for post-dev steps to make sure that changes from child components make it to this repo.

  • IMPORTANT! Before each change, update our saucelab operating system versions for nightwatch and wct by using the saucelabs configurator so we are testing against recent versions (browser versions are mostly automatic). Also check the latest ESR version for firefox (Browser versions are mostly automatic). (ESR versions are deployed in our Standard Environment across the Libraries).

Default setup for pages (index.html, etc)

Developing a new app

  1. Clone uqlibrary-starter-kit
  2. Make sure the element contains the paper-toolbar
  3. Make sure the element has a "standAlone" attribute and a "_toggleDrawerPanel" function
  4. When the App is ready, publish the release on GitHub. The releases are named in the format v<major>.<minor>.<patch>, for example: v1.0.0.
  5. In uqlibrary-mylibrary, bower install the element (eg. bower install uqlibrary/uqlibrary-starter-kit)
    • The bower dependencies are built into app/bower_components, next to the projects' root folder.
  6. Add the element in app/elements/elements.html
  7. Add a section containing the element in app/index.html
  8. Add a menu item in uqlibrary-api (applications HTML)
  9. Add a route via PageJS in app/elements/routing.html


  1. Update bower to include your changes:

    bower update

    This is automatically run after npm install.

  2. To get the complete test package, run the test setup script:


    This will produce a long set of dated 'starting' and 'finishing' lines. This is automatically run before npm test.

Run Tests Locally

npm run test:local

You should see over 50 tests run and 1 or 2 minutes of run time - a fast response time means no tests were run

Run Tests Remotely

cp wct.conf.js.default wct.conf.js
npm run test:remote

Note: It seems that remote runs the file with the first file alphabetically that satisfies the pattern wct.conf*js. Make sure it is wct.conf.js

When you run this command, you may get the error:

"Missing Sauce credentials. Did you forget to set SAUCE_USERNAME and/or SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY?"

To set these fields:

  1. Visit the Mylibrary Codeship Environment Variable page

  2. Note the values for SAUCE_USERNAME and for SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY

  3. export these as local variables on your box, eg:

    $ export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY='XXX'

then run the npm run test:remote command again

Nightwatch tests

Nightwatch is also run on Codeship for deployment testing. No gulp interface provided.

You can also run them locally:

  • Run Selenium server. Selenium is required to run tests locally Selenium Installer

    java -jar selenium-server-standalone-{VERSION}.jar

    or brew install selenium-server-standalone then selenium-server -port 4444

  • start server (will start server and project will be accessible at http://localhost:5001)

    gulp serve:dist
  • start testing

    cd bin/local

You will need to use more than one tab as gulp serve continues running.

You can also restrict to one browser:

./nightwatch.js --env chrome

Running with live data locally

  • Add to your /etc/hosts or equivalent file

  • Comment out the cookies which control mock data in demo.html (or create a new file)

  • Run the gulp task

    gulp demo
  • If you still have the mock cookies in your browser, delete them via your browser.

  • Use the Masquerading function at to masquerade as another user to view library as this user

  • Return to your demo page and you should be getting live data.


  • Make sure MyLibrary functions properly when using gulp serve:dist
  • Before committing to master, run gulp test
  • Any commits to master are automatically deployed to app.library
  • To deploy a feature branch create a deployment pipe line in codeship, feature branch will be deployed to:[feature branch]/mylibrary/index.html
  • Any commits to production will go live on the main UQ Library website (

Canary Tests

  • The canarytest branch is used in a weekly job started from AWS as repo-periodic-test-mylibrary in Scheduled Tasks that checks that our sites work in future browsers. See bin/
  • Scheduled Tasks: in Amazon, go to ECS > Clusters > Default > Scheduled Tasks tab which may be here and note task repo-periodic-test-mylibrary.
  • This can be run manually from the Tasks tab - (put in repo-periodic-test-mylibrary as the Name and I think you have to click open Advanced Options so you can add the same extra parameter as the scheduled task?)

Codeship config (at 11/Jan/2019)

Setup Commands:

jdk_switcher use oraclejdk8
chmod a+x -R bin/*

3 Test Pipelines:

Unit tests:

export PIPE_NUM=1

Test Commands:

export PIPE_NUM=3


export PIPE_NUM=2