Name | Type | Description | Notes |
isin | String | The standard ISIN representing stocks listed on multiple exchanges | [optional] |
cncUsedQuantity | Number | Quantity either blocked towards open or completed order | [optional] |
collateralType | String | Category of collateral assigned by RMS | [optional] |
companyName | String | Name of the company | [optional] |
haircut | Number | This is the haircut percentage applied from RMS (applicable incase of collateral) | [optional] |
product | String | Shows if the order was either Intraday, Delivery, CO or OCO | [optional] |
quantity | Number | The total holding qty | [optional] |
tradingsymbol | String | Shows the trading symbol of the instrument | [optional] |
lastPrice | Number | The last traded price of the instrument | [optional] |
closePrice | Number | Closing price of the instrument from the last trading day | [optional] |
pnl | Number | Profit and Loss | [optional] |
dayChange | Number | Day's change in absolute value for the stock | [optional] |
dayChangePercentage | Number | Day's change in percentage for the stock | [optional] |
instrumentToken | String | Key issued by Upstox for the instrument | [optional] |
averagePrice | Number | Average price at which the net holding quantity was acquired | [optional] |
collateralQuantity | Number | Quantity marked as collateral by RMS on users request | [optional] |
collateralUpdateQuantity | Number | [optional] | |
t1Quantity | Number | Quantity on T+1 day after order execution | [optional] |
exchange | String | Exchange of the trading symbol | [optional] |