diff --git a/__tests__/__outputs__/dotnet-trx-only-failed.md b/__tests__/__outputs__/dotnet-trx-only-failed.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12013ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__tests__/__outputs__/dotnet-trx-only-failed.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+## ❌ fixtures/dotnet-trx.trx
+**11** tests were completed in **1s** with **5** passed, **5** failed and **1** skipped.
+|Test suite|Passed|Failed|Skipped|Time|
+### ❌ DotnetTests.XUnitTests.CalculatorTests
+❌ Exception_In_TargetTest
+ System.DivideByZeroException : Attempted to divide by zero.
+❌ Exception_In_Test
+ System.Exception : Test
+❌ Failing_Test
+ Assert.Equal() Failure
+ Expected: 3
+ Actual: 2
+❌ Is_Even_Number(i: 3)
+ Assert.True() Failure
+ Expected: True
+ Actual: False
+❌ Should be even number(i: 3)
+ Assert.True() Failure
+ Expected: True
+ Actual: False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/__tests__/__outputs__/jest-test-results.md b/__tests__/__outputs__/jest-test-results.md
index bc86f3cb..d9161a20 100644
--- a/__tests__/__outputs__/jest-test-results.md
+++ b/__tests__/__outputs__/jest-test-results.md
@@ -405,28 +405,11 @@
### ❌ e2e/__tests__/jestChangedFiles.test.ts
-✅ gets hg SCM roots and dedupes them
-✅ gets git SCM roots and dedupes them
-✅ gets mixed git and hg SCM roots and dedupes them
-✅ gets changed files for git
-✅ monitors only root paths for git
-✅ does not find changes in files with no diff, for git
-✅ handles a bad revision for "changedSince", for git
❌ gets changed files for hg
Error: abort: empty revision range
-✅ monitors only root paths for hg
-✅ handles a bad revision for "changedSince", for hg
### ❌ e2e/__tests__/onlyChanged.test.ts
-✅ run for "onlyChanged" and "changedSince"
-✅ run only changed files
-✅ report test coverage for only changed files
-✅ report test coverage of source on test file change under only changed files
-✅ do not pickup non-tested files when reporting coverage on only changed files
-✅ collect test coverage when using onlyChanged
-✅ onlyChanged in config is overwritten by --all or testPathPattern
❌ gets changed files for hg
Error: expect(received).toMatch(expected)
-✅ path on Windows is case-insensitive
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/__tests__/__snapshots__/dotnet-trx.test.ts.snap b/__tests__/__snapshots__/dotnet-trx.test.ts.snap
index 1ca07eb0..2cfe099c 100644
--- a/__tests__/__snapshots__/dotnet-trx.test.ts.snap
+++ b/__tests__/__snapshots__/dotnet-trx.test.ts.snap
@@ -1,5 +1,134 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`dotnet-trx tests matches report snapshot (only failed tests) 1`] = `
+TestRunResult {
+ "path": "fixtures/dotnet-trx.trx",
+ "suites": Array [
+ TestSuiteResult {
+ "groups": Array [
+ TestGroupResult {
+ "name": null,
+ "tests": Array [
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": undefined,
+ "name": "Custom Name",
+ "result": "success",
+ "time": 0.1371,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": Object {
+ "details": "System.DivideByZeroException : Attempted to divide by zero.
+ at DotnetTests.Unit.Calculator.Div(Int32 a, Int32 b) in C:\\\\Users\\\\Michal\\\\Workspace\\\\dorny\\\\test-reporting\\\\reports\\\\dotnet\\\\DotnetTests.Unit\\\\Calculator.cs:line 9
+ at DotnetTests.XUnitTests.CalculatorTests.Exception_In_TargetTest() in C:\\\\Users\\\\Michal\\\\Workspace\\\\dorny\\\\test-reporting\\\\reports\\\\dotnet\\\\DotnetTests.XUnitTests\\\\CalculatorTests.cs:line 33",
+ "line": 9,
+ "message": "System.DivideByZeroException : Attempted to divide by zero.",
+ "path": "DotnetTests.Unit/Calculator.cs",
+ },
+ "name": "Exception_In_TargetTest",
+ "result": "failed",
+ "time": 0.8377,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": Object {
+ "details": "System.Exception : Test
+ at DotnetTests.XUnitTests.CalculatorTests.Exception_In_Test() in C:\\\\Users\\\\Michal\\\\Workspace\\\\dorny\\\\test-reporting\\\\reports\\\\dotnet\\\\DotnetTests.XUnitTests\\\\CalculatorTests.cs:line 39",
+ "line": 39,
+ "message": "System.Exception : Test",
+ "path": "DotnetTests.XUnitTests/CalculatorTests.cs",
+ },
+ "name": "Exception_In_Test",
+ "result": "failed",
+ "time": 2.5175,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": Object {
+ "details": "Assert.Equal() Failure
+Expected: 3
+Actual: 2
+ at DotnetTests.XUnitTests.CalculatorTests.Failing_Test() in C:\\\\Users\\\\Michal\\\\Workspace\\\\dorny\\\\test-reporting\\\\reports\\\\dotnet\\\\DotnetTests.XUnitTests\\\\CalculatorTests.cs:line 27",
+ "line": 27,
+ "message": "Assert.Equal() Failure
+Expected: 3
+Actual: 2",
+ "path": "DotnetTests.XUnitTests/CalculatorTests.cs",
+ },
+ "name": "Failing_Test",
+ "result": "failed",
+ "time": 3.8697,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": undefined,
+ "name": "Is_Even_Number(i: 2)",
+ "result": "success",
+ "time": 0.0078,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": Object {
+ "details": "Assert.True() Failure
+Expected: True
+Actual: False
+ at DotnetTests.XUnitTests.CalculatorTests.Is_Even_Number(Int32 i) in C:\\\\Users\\\\Michal\\\\Workspace\\\\dorny\\\\test-reporting\\\\reports\\\\dotnet\\\\DotnetTests.XUnitTests\\\\CalculatorTests.cs:line 59",
+ "line": 59,
+ "message": "Assert.True() Failure
+Expected: True
+Actual: False",
+ "path": "DotnetTests.XUnitTests/CalculatorTests.cs",
+ },
+ "name": "Is_Even_Number(i: 3)",
+ "result": "failed",
+ "time": 0.41409999999999997,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": undefined,
+ "name": "Passing_Test",
+ "result": "success",
+ "time": 0.1365,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": undefined,
+ "name": "Should be even number(i: 2)",
+ "result": "success",
+ "time": 0.0097,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": Object {
+ "details": "Assert.True() Failure
+Expected: True
+Actual: False
+ at DotnetTests.XUnitTests.CalculatorTests.Theory_With_Custom_Name(Int32 i) in C:\\\\Users\\\\Michal\\\\Workspace\\\\dorny\\\\test-reporting\\\\reports\\\\dotnet\\\\DotnetTests.XUnitTests\\\\CalculatorTests.cs:line 67",
+ "line": 67,
+ "message": "Assert.True() Failure
+Expected: True
+Actual: False",
+ "path": "DotnetTests.XUnitTests/CalculatorTests.cs",
+ },
+ "name": "Should be even number(i: 3)",
+ "result": "failed",
+ "time": 0.6537000000000001,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": undefined,
+ "name": "Skipped_Test",
+ "result": "skipped",
+ "time": 1,
+ },
+ TestCaseResult {
+ "error": undefined,
+ "name": "Timeout_Test",
+ "result": "success",
+ "time": 108.42580000000001,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ "name": "DotnetTests.XUnitTests.CalculatorTests",
+ "totalTime": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ "totalTime": 1116,
exports[`dotnet-trx tests matches report snapshot 1`] = `
TestRunResult {
"path": "fixtures/dotnet-trx.trx",
diff --git a/__tests__/dotnet-trx.test.ts b/__tests__/dotnet-trx.test.ts
index d4d5dac7..ef155b79 100644
--- a/__tests__/dotnet-trx.test.ts
+++ b/__tests__/dotnet-trx.test.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import * as path from 'path'
import {DotnetTrxParser} from '../src/parsers/dotnet-trx/dotnet-trx-parser'
import {ParseOptions} from '../src/test-parser'
-import {getReport} from '../src/report/get-report'
+import {getReport, ReportOptions} from '../src/report/get-report'
import {normalizeFilePath} from '../src/utils/path-utils'
describe('dotnet-trx tests', () => {
@@ -44,6 +44,33 @@ describe('dotnet-trx tests', () => {
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, report)
+ it('matches report snapshot (only failed tests)', async () => {
+ const fixturePath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'dotnet-trx.trx')
+ const outputPath = path.join(__dirname, '__outputs__', 'dotnet-trx-only-failed.md')
+ const filePath = normalizeFilePath(path.relative(__dirname, fixturePath))
+ const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(fixturePath, {encoding: 'utf8'})
+ const opts: ParseOptions = {
+ parseErrors: true,
+ trackedFiles: ['DotnetTests.Unit/Calculator.cs', 'DotnetTests.XUnitTests/CalculatorTests.cs']
+ //workDir: 'C:/Users/Michal/Workspace/dorny/test-check/reports/dotnet/'
+ }
+ const parser = new DotnetTrxParser(opts)
+ const result = await parser.parse(filePath, fileContent)
+ expect(result).toMatchSnapshot()
+ const reportOptions: ReportOptions = {
+ listSuites: 'all',
+ listTests: 'failed',
+ onlySummary: false,
+ baseUrl: ''
+ }
+ const report = getReport([result], reportOptions)
+ fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outputPath), {recursive: true})
+ fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, report)
+ })
it('report from FluentValidation test results matches snapshot', async () => {
const fixturePath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'external', 'FluentValidation.Tests.trx')
const outputPath = path.join(__dirname, '__outputs__', 'fluent-validation-test-results.md')
diff --git a/src/report/get-report.ts b/src/report/get-report.ts
index 2cc1f166..2116eba6 100644
--- a/src/report/get-report.ts
+++ b/src/report/get-report.ts
@@ -232,6 +232,9 @@ function getTestsReport(ts: TestSuiteResult, runIndex: number, suiteIndex: numbe
const space = grp.name ? ' ' : ''
for (const tc of grp.tests) {
+ if (options.listTests === 'failed' && tc.result !== 'failed') {
+ continue
+ }
const result = getResultIcon(tc.result)
sections.push(`${space}${result} ${tc.name}`)
if (tc.error) {