Feel free to add ideas to this list
- Polls
- Secret voting by messaging the bot a code
- Regular open voting using emoji
- Some way of enforcing only voting once
- Meeting Sign-In
- Have a way for club members to sign in by messaging the bot or saying a command
- Should have a way for admin to view the list
- Store the sign-ins in a database of some sorts
- Let the admin create meetings for users to sign into
- Events from Google Calendar
- Load events from Google Calendar
- Notify users in the annoucements channel before events
- Let the admins configure the frequency of the notifications
- Project Management
- Some sort of way to propose projects for the admin to approve
- The bot could then create roles, a channel, maybe even a repo...
- @roles for new issues on GitHub (potentially annoying)
- Let users query what projects there are and join the role
- Some sort of way to propose projects for the admin to approve