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Scholar 3.0 (Hyrax) Test Script

thomas edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 13 revisions

These tasks are usually performed on after a deployment.


Create Article

  1. Log in as yourself
  2. Create article with private access controls
  3. Fill out all the metadata fields
  4. Switch to the File tab
  5. Add a PDF
  6. Add a Word Doc (doc/docx)
  7. Add an image
  8. Verify it works as expected

Edit Article

  1. Edit the article
  2. Change the PDF's visibility to private
  3. Change the Word Doc's visibility to public
  4. Change the image's visibility to private
  5. Save the article
  6. Click 'Update Manually' when prompted
  7. Edit the article
  8. Change article's overall visibility to public
  9. Save the article
  10. Click 'Yes please' when prompted.
  11. Wait a moment for background workers to process
  12. Refresh the page
  13. Verify all attached files' visibility changes to public
  14. View the list of files at the bottom of the work view page
  15. Remove the first file via the dropdown
  16. Edit the article
  17. Add to Collection
  18. Add External Link
  19. Update related Works
  20. Save the article

View Article

  1. Verify all metadata displays correctly
  2. Delete Work

Batch Uploads

  1. Navigate to Works > Batch Create
  2. Add a couple files
  3. Fill out all the metadata fields
  4. Click Save
  5. Verify the works were properly created

Batch Edit (Dashboard)

  1. Navigate to My Works.
  2. Select Multiple works.
  3. Select Edit Selected.
  4. Change a metadata field.
  5. Save.
  6. Confirm change on all works.

Create Collection and Share

  1. Log in as yourself
  2. Create a collection
  3. Add a title, description, creator
  4. Set access control to your institution
  5. Create another collection
  6. Add a title, description, creator
  7. Set access control to public
  8. Create another collection
  9. Add a title, description, creator
  10. Set access control to private
  11. Add at least 10 items to each collections, a mix of your own content and others
  12. Log out
  13. Verify you can discover the publicly accessible but not the other two
  14. Verify that the items are listed alphabetically.
  15. Login as Professor Nodeposits
  16. Verify you can discover the publicly accessible, the your institution but not the private
  17. Log in as yourself
  18. Verify you can discover all three
  19. Navigate to one of your collections
  20. Edit the access controls
  21. Verify access controls
  22. Delete several items from the collection
  23. Delete a collection
  24. Verify collection is not listed

Profile Curation

  1. Log in as yourself
  2. Change your profile picture
  3. Add a highlighted work to your profile
  4. Remove the highlighted work from your profile


  1. Write up procedure


  1. Write up procedure


  1. Add "Professor Manydeposits" as a proxy to your account
  2. Log in as Professor Manydeposits
  3. Add a work as Manydeposits
  4. Make sure the Author field is listed as Manydeposits, Professor.
  5. Add "Student Delegate" as a proxy to Professor Manydeposit's account
  6. Log in as Student Delegate
  7. As Student Delegate - Add work on behalf of Manydeposits
  8. Log in as Manydeposits
  9. Verify the work is listed under your works
  10. Verify Manydeposits is listed as a contributor
  11. Edit the work, add a file
  12. Remove Student Delegate from your proxies
  13. Log in as Student Delegate
  14. Verify Student Delegate does not have access to Manydeposit's work (BUG #56)
  15. Verify Student Delegate does not have access to your work (BUG #499)
  16. Log in as yourself
  17. Remove Professor Manydeposits from your proxies

Transferring a Work

  1. Go to the My Works page
  2. Pick any work on this list and from the Select an Action dropdown select Transfer Ownership of Work
  3. Search for Manydeposits
  4. Add a comment
  5. Click Transfer and then click okay when prompted
  6. Log in as Manydeposits
  7. Go to Dashboard > Transfer
  8. Accept the transfer, keeping yourself as an editor
  9. Verify the Manydeposits now owns the work
  10. Verify that you still have edit access to the work

Collaborate on Private Work

  1. Log in as Professor Manydeposits
  2. Create a private work with many files attached
  3. Add Professor Nodeposits as an editor
  4. Log in as Professor Nodeposits
  5. Navigate to the work just created
  6. Edit metadata
  7. Replace an existing file
  8. Add relationships

Administrative Actions

  1. Log in as the Administrator account
  2. Verify you see an edit button on results in the index view
  3. Choose a work to edit that is not your own
  4. Edit description of that work
  5. Verify the edits persist
  6. Change the access control settings to private
  7. Verify you can still access a private item
  8. Edit the item/change the access control settings back
  9. Add yourself (not repo manager, but your acct) as an editor to work
  10. Log in as yourself
  11. Navigate to the item in link 14
  12. Verify you can access/edit the item
  13. Log in as Repository Manager
  14. Navigate to a collection that is not owned by you
  15. Edit the collection description and access control settings
  16. Verify the edits persist
  17. Navigate to a work that is not owned by Repository Manager
  18. Add a new file
  19. Delete a previous file
  20. Verify changes persist

Search and Discovery

  1. Test next and previous page buttons in search results
  2. Verify works and collections that are open access are discoverable via search and browse while logged out
  3. Verify works and collections that are not your own "University of Cincinnati" are discoverable via search and browse while logged in.
  4. Verify works and collections that have "University of Cincinnati" access rights are NOT discoverable via search or browse while logged out.
  5. Verify that works and collections that are not your own, but are marked as private are not discoverable via search or browse when you are logged in
  6. Verify that works and collections that are marked as private are not discoverable via search or browse when you are logged out.
  7. Verify that profile sections do not show up in search results
  8. Run a search that returns more than 1 work. Verify that selecting a facet does not cause your initial search to be lost. (Do this both logged in and logged out)
  9. Browse by Works and change the sort option to something other than relevance. Verify that the sort option is retained when you page forward or back. (Do this both logged in and logged out)

Design and Layout

  1. Check for changes in the UC (black) menu bar
  2. Re-size browser window to test responsiveness
  3. Test different browsers and platforms (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android, iOS, etc.)
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