NOTE: This documentation is out-of-sync and applies to the current state of the master
branch (frozen somewhere in 2018).
The application can be used by building and executing it yourself, for that please refer to the "Building" section. Otherwise there is a binary .msi installer available here installing the latest stable release. Archived versions as well as a portable installation are available on the homepage. We highly recommend using a portable (.zip) or executable (.msi) installer.
If the application is already installed and the installer contains a newer version, the old software is uninstalled properly and the newer version is installed.
Information about how to use the OpenInfraPlatform can be found on the homepage as well as in the end user documentation, available here as well as in the sources at "./docs/End User Documentation.docx". There exists a Help function in the application itself at "Help->Show Help...".
Please refer to the mailing list for bug reports and suggestions or open up an issue on bitbucket.
The application checks for new updates during startup and can download and start the installer file if a newer version is found. It is also possible via "Help->Check for updates..." in the application. This feature is currently (22.03.2018) disabled since it is still in progress.