The API allows interacting with ftio
directly, rather than using the command line interface provided in the cli
Below or several examples of this.
The file
provides an example how to directly call use ftio
import numpy as np
from ftio.cli.ftio_core import core
from ftio.parse.args import parse_args
from ftio.freq._dft import display_prediction
from ftio.plot.freq_plot import convert_and_plot
from ftio.parse.bandwidth import overlap
ranks = 10
total_bytes = 100
# Set up data
## 1) overlap for rank level metrics
b_rank = [0.0,0.0,1000.0,1000.0,0.0,0.0,1000.0,1000.0,0.0,0.0,1000.0,1000.0,0.0,0.0]
t_rank_s = [0.5,0.0,10.5,10.0,20.5,20.0,30.5,30.0,40.5,40.0,50.5,50.0,60.5,60]
t_rank_e = [5.0,4.5,15.0,14.5,25.0,24.5,35.0,34.5,45.0,44.5,55.0,54.5,65.0,64.5]
b,t = overlap(b_rank,t_rank_s, t_rank_e)
# ## 2) or directly specify the app level metrics
# t = [10.0, 20.1, 30.0, 40.2, 50.3, 60, 70, 80.0,]
# b = [10, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0]
# command line arguments
argv = ["-e", "no"] #["-e", "mat"]
# set up data
data = {
"time": np.array(t),
"bandwidth": np.array(b),
"total_bytes": total_bytes,
"ranks": ranks
#parse args
args = parse_args(argv,"ftio")
# perform prediction
prediction, dfs = core([data], args)
# plot and print info
convert_and_plot(data, dfs, args)
display_prediction("ftio", prediction)
This API allows interaction with the metric proxy. Once executed, the proxy outputs a JSON file which can be directly used with this API.
The file
provides an example. To execute it, simply call:
The following line in
can be changed to specify the needed metric and the path to the JSON file:
b, t = parse("some_location/filename.json", "metric")
To suppress the output, the function display_prediction
can be commented out. Moreover, argv = ["-e", "plotly"]
can be changed to ["-e", "no"]
to disable the plots.
Furthermore, at the end of
, postprocessing occurs to label the phases according to the function label_phases from
The file
provides an example for the adapted ftio
api for gekkoFs.
The file
provides an example for predictor
, the path to the files needs to be specified in the code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# absolute path to search all text files inside a specific folder
# path=r'/d/github/FTIO/examples/API/gekkoFs/JSON/*.json' # For JSON
path = r"/d/github/FTIO/examples/API/gekkoFs/MSGPACK/write*.msgpack" # For MSGPCK
matched_files = glob.glob(path)
Similarly, for
, the following lines can be adjusted:
def main(args: list[str] = []) -> None:
n_buffers = 4 # number of buffers
args = ["-e", "plotly", "-f", "0.01"] #arguments for ftio
# path=r'/d/github/FTIO/examples/API/gekkoFs/JSON/*.json' # For JSON
path = r"/d/github/FTIO/examples/API/gekkoFs/MSGPACK/write*.msgpack" # For MSGPCK
matched_files = glob.glob(path)
The file predictor_zmq_gekko
deploys this functionality.
Download and compile the file test_mpi.cxx
from the TMIO
repo. Then either execute it with a single rank (interactive) or with multiple ranks (with sleep). Simply execute the Makefile in the folder:
make test_mpi
make run_mpi # or run_single_mpi
for ftio
, first navigate to the script and then execute it:
cd ftio/api/gekkoFs