(Last updated: July 29, 2018)
A small app that displays simple recipes and step-by-step videos
- Provides 4 simple baking recipes: Nutella Pie, Cheesecake, Brownies, and Yellow Cake
- Includes list of ingredients needed, and step-by-step instructions with videos
- Offers a homescreen widget for listing the ingredients of a single recipe
- Leveraging the ExoPlayer library to display videos with a custom control configuration
- Providing homescreen widgets with a configuration activity, image loading, and list views
- Handling and parsing JSON data with unexpected input
- Designing a UI based on sample mock ups
- Writing Espresso UI tests
- Adding simple Fragment transitions
- Loading thumbnails from videos
- Dynamically coloring app bar based on image palette
- Working with nested scrollviews
- Handling error cases
- Supporting different screen sizes
All recipes, images, and videos are provided by Udacity as base material for this project