The "Super Duo" assignment involved turning two unrelated functional apps into a production-ready state. See below for details for each.
(Last updated: January 12, 2016)
An app that shows current scores for your favorite European soccer teams
- Provides up-to-date schedules and scores of European soccer games
- Only supports score tracking for the current day, two days prior, and two days after
- Share current scores with your friends to keep them informed
- Browse through scores quickly on your homescreen with the homescreen widget
- Integration points and error case handling
- Network sync statuses through shared preferences
- Accessibility: Content descriptions and the Google Talk Back interface; Localization and RTL layouts
- Collection widgets
- Tab layouts
- Recycler view
(Last updated: January 12, 2016)
Look up details for your favorite books through search and barcode scanning
- Searches for book details online by title, author, or ISBN
- Scan barcodes of books to search for more details for that book
- Save your favorite books to your own local library
- Navigation drawer layouts
- Search queries using cursors
- Coordinator layouts and FABs
- User settings through shared preferences
For security reasons, API keys used in these projects are not public. To build these projects and test them for yourself, you must first obtain an API key and store the key in a string resource file in /res/values/
For Football Scores, click here to obtain an API key. In the project, name the string api_key
For Alexandria, click here to obtain an API key. In the project, name the string API_KEY
Football Scores takes information hosted from, an open database API created and maintained by Daniel Freitag.
Book information for Alexandria comes from Google's own Books API.