Quick start guide is the fastest way to get started with jsonapi. There are some prerequisites to comply to be as fast as possible.
- models are defined as doctrine entities
- Install package
composer require trikoder/jsonapibundle
- Enabled the bundle in AppKernel
new Trikoder\JsonApiBundle\TrikoderJsonApiBundle()
- Add any custom configuration you wish, see configuration
- Define your schema service, eg:
class: "%trikoder.jsonapi.schema_class_map_provider.class%"
Create new schema class that extends \Trikoder\JsonApiBundle\Schema\AbstractSchema
Suggested naming is <modelClass>Schema
For simple schema see example
For more advanced examples see schemas documentation
There are few ways to give schema info to your controller.
If you followed steps from first time setup you can register it by service call eg.:
- [add, ['\stdClass', '\Trikoder\JsonApiBundle\Schema\Builtin\StdClassSchema']]
To find out more methods and usages on schema class map see (schema_class_map.md)
Alternatively (and especially if you like your life to be as easy as possible), use schema automapping feature
Create your API controller that extends \Trikoder\JsonApiBundle\Controller\AbstractController
Your controller will be automatically registered as a service as the
is already tagged with the controller.service_arguments
Minimal non-symfony configuration is to define model class this controller serves eg.:
use Trikoder\JsonApiBundle\Config\Annotation as JsonApiConfig;
* @JsonApiConfig\Config(modelClass="\modelClass")
You must use traits for action you need in your controller.
You now have complete working json api.
Feel free to continue reading advanced usage documentation