A wrapper for the Telldus Core written in C# for .NET Standard 2.0.
Sharing the code written for a home project of mine if anyone else could find this useful.
The code is developed on a Windows 10 machine and running production on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the latest Raspbian Stretch, with the Tellstick Duo controller.
The methods are created from the devices I currently have and my own requirements. So I'm accepting request if more methods are wanted or just put them as pull requests.
To execute methods with the wrapper the Telldus Core service needs to be installed on the system.
The TelldusCore service is installed with the TelldusCenter software, available here.
Link: https://telldus.com/resources/
The TelldusCore service can be downloaded and compiled from Telldus own documentation site. This includes the tdtool command.
Link: http://developer.telldus.se/wiki/TellStickInstallationSource
using (ITelldusCoreService service = new TelldusCoreService())
var list = service.GetDevices();
foreach(var item in list)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.ID}: {item.Name}");
int newDeviceId = service.AddDevice("test 1", "arctech", "selflearning-switch", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "house", "953934" }, { "unit", "1" } });
Device newDevice = service.GetDevice(newDeviceId);
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<ITelldusCoreService, TelldusCoreService>();
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ITelldusCoreService telldusCoreService)
public class TelldusAPIController : ControllerBase
private ITelldusCoreService telldusCoreService;
public TelldusAPIController(ITelldusCoreService telldusCoreService)
this.telldusCoreService = telldusCoreService;
public IActionResult SendCommand(int deviceId, DeviceMethods command)
var result = telldusCoreService.SendCommand(deviceId, command);
return Ok(result);
As there is no built in way to get a list of possible protocols/models/parameters for the devices I built a list in a service from the documentation. These validation methods are optional and are not forced in the wrapper.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<ITelldusDeviceValidationService, TelldusDeviceValidationService>();
public void DoSomething(ITelldusDeviceValidationService service)
IEnumerable<string> protocols = service.GetProtocols();
foreach(string protocol in protocols)
IEnumerable<string> models = service.GetModels(protocol);
public void DoSomething(ITelldusDeviceValidationService service)
service.IsValidDevice("arctech", "codeswitch", new string[] { "house", "unit" });
public void DoSomething(ITelldusDeviceValidationService service)
service.IsValidDevice("arctech", "codeswitch", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "house", "B" }, { "unit", "5" } });