Update get-latest-go to use go version page #2143
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Sep 17, 2024 in 11m 45s
Build Failed
The build failed. This is a change from the previous build, which passed.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #2143 Update get-latest-go.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build has three jobs, running in parallel.
Stage 1: test
This stage failed.
Job | Ruby | ENV | OS | State |
13994.1 | 3.2.2 | COVERAGE=1 | Linux | failed |
13994.2 | 3.2.2 | COVERAGE=1 | Linux | passed |
13994.3 | 3.2.2 | COVERAGE=1 | Linux | failed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Ruby |
Operating System | Linux (Bionic) |
Ruby Version | 3.2.2 |
Build Configuration
"language": "ruby",
"os": [
"dist": "bionic",
"rvm": [
"services": [
"cache": {
"bundler": true
"env": [
"global={:COVERAGE=>\"1\"}={:PATH=>\"/snap/bin:$PATH\"} jobs={:INTEGRATION_SPECS=>\"0\"}={:INTEGRATION_SPECS=>\"1\"}"
"addons": {
"snaps": [
"name": "docker",
"channel": "latest/beta"
"stages": [
"name": "test"
"name": ":ship: it to quay.io"
"jobs": {
"allow_failures": [
"script": [
"include": [
"stage": "test",
"env": [
"script": [
"stage": ":ship: it to quay.io",
"env": [
"script": [
"if": "(branch = master and type = push ) OR commit_message =~ /ship:docker/ OR env(SHIP_DOCKER) = true"
"before_install": [
"gem update --system 3.3.26 > /dev/null 2>&1"
"before_script": [
"eval \"$(script/handle-docker-config)\"",
"bundle install",
"bundle exec rake clean assets:precompile"
"script": [
"bundle exec rspec spec",
"bundle exec rake shfmt",
"bundle exec rake assert_clean",
"bundle exec rake shellcheck",
"bundle exec rake assert_examples"
"after_success": [
"bundle exec codeclimate-test-reporter"
"after_failure": [
"bundle exec rake dump_examples_logs"
"before_deploy": [
"sudo pip install -U -I Pygments",
"deploy": [
"dpl_version": "2.0.5.beta.1",
"provider": "s3",
"access_key_id": {
"secure": "fXt5NG5UGDvpnRFvUUk9J//iSo+Vh28oEUJvjZqiUZ9GRHp5TrIS5vL4bPlD/1RrJRp7BVVj1+4ThXZRzrMhF5xazK8k4ANaUhMdjmRa6arXtqBcXIyUvu//5e80nlXekqMKaW7f5wrLNiKZB+ck7ayGlI1NYLNQ5nCWC6Xxe6s="
"secret_access_key": {
"secure": "Jn9clQh78C2c1zoueTkn0r5kSCHrbb7bMojb8/Ne+6zg0pD/3w25mrhEC4y9b3M/lHoKArOPj4dn03ZErJleM8aOMNMIa6ck8GKP+7EoFlZ/1/C5733HazlldTWDd2+wTOYfSIGOM+mHDP5tmK0S7pr1zEm+/++UExuGZXiCSSI="
"bucket": "travis-build-examples",
"local_dir": "examples",
"skip_cleanup": true,
"region": "us-east-1",
"on": {
"branch": [
"condition": [
"repo": "travis-ci/travis-build"
"edge": true