)- curl
It is recommended on Windows to install:
- WSL2, with a Linux distribution (just execute
wsl --install
in a Powershell as administrator. More info here: - Docker Desktop (which includes
. The default configuration should be fine. More info here:
For the frontend dynamic updates to work properly, the git repository should be cloned inside the WSL2 file system.
Beware that ./
in Windows may use a shortcut to the MinGW64 bash (also called Git bash).
If so, type bash
to use the WSL2 bash instead.
returns the error rm: cannot remove 'db-data': Permission denied
, db-data can be deleted by executing sudo rm -R db-data
in the WSL bash.
If git diff
displays unexpected modifications (old mode 100755 new mode 100644
), you can execute git config core.filemode false
to indicate Git to ignore the executable bit in files permissions.
If compose up
fails with => ERROR resolve image config for
, a solution is usually to delete the Docker config.json in WSL2: bash -c 'rm ~/.docker/config.json'
The first time you start the dev-env, you will need to build the Docker containers with the following command.
If you are on Linux, you may encounter the error "Permission denied". Usually you can fix it by adding your user to the
group (more details in the official documentation).
./ init
The script will create 3 containers:
: the PostgreSQL database.
The data will be stored in./db-data/
and used as a docker volume. -
: the Django server.
This container runs the development server with the code contained in../backend/
The code will be reloaded automatically on any file change.
Follow the logs withdocker logs -f tournesol-dev-api
: the React development server.
Similarly, this container uses the code present in../frontend/
to rebuild the application automatically.
Follow the logs withdocker logs -f tournesol-dev-front
A superuser will be created automatically with username user
and the default password tournesol
Then, the application is accessible on http://localhost:3000.
The created database includes video metadata, users and comparisons derived from a subset of Tournesol public dataset.
An additional non-admin user is also created: user1
with password tournesol
When you need to start or restart the existing containers, use:
./ restart
When you run init
, the database content is initialized with test data.
To recreate the containers (e.g to update the backend dependencies) while preserving the data, use:
./ recreate
./ help
This will help you during the development.
# see the running containers
docker ps
# see all containers
docker ps -a
# fetch a container's logs
docker logs tournesol-dev-api
# follow the logs output
docker logs -f tournesol-dev-api
A .sql.gz file will be written to the directory "./db" (e.g dump_2022-10-17T16:18:10Z.sql.gz
To authenticate to the Container registry ( you will need to login (viadocker login
) using a GitHub personal access token.
See Authenticating to the Container Registry for more details.
The dev-env database (loaded by default when initializing the dev-env) is hosted as a Docker image: on GitHub. The exact version used in the dev-env and end-to-end tests can be found in docker-compose.yml.
To build and push a new version of this image using a dump created as above, use the following commands:
docker build db --build-arg DUMP_FILE=YOUR_DUMP_FILE_NAME --tag
docker push
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 db --build-arg DUMP_FILE=YOUR_DUMP_FILE_NAME --tag