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1380 lines (922 loc) · 40.2 KB

Steps to Create the Sample

This sample app is written C++.

The key code for the sample application is in the AgoraTutorial folder. The following steps identify the code most relevant to using the Agora SDK.

For details about the APIs used to develop this sample, see the Documentation version 2.2.

Create the AgoraTutorialDlg Class

The AgoraTutorialDlg class manages UI element interactions with the application and Agora SDK.

Add the OnInitDialog() Method

The OnInitDialog() method initializes the sample application.

Retrieve the system menu using GetSystemMenu(). Verify that pSysMenu is not NULL and perform the following actions:

  1. Declare a boolean bNameValid variable and a string strAboutMenu variable.
  2. Obtain the value of bNameValid by passing IDS_ABOUTBOX into strAboutMenu.LoadString().
  3. Validate bNameValid and ensure strAboutMenu is not empty before appending the menu items using pSysMenu->AppendMenu().

The remaining code in this section is within the OnInitDialog() method.

BOOL CAgoraTutorialDlg::OnInitDialog()

	CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
	if (pSysMenu != NULL)
		BOOL bNameValid;
		CString strAboutMenu;
		bNameValid = strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX);
		if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
			pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);

Set the application icons using SetIcon(). If APP_ID is not set, use MessageBox() to display a message telling the user to apply the App ID to the application, and exit the application using ExitProcess().

	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);

	if (_tcslen(APP_ID) == 0) {
		MessageBox(_T("Please apply your own App ID to macro APP_ID"), _T("Notice"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

Begin the Agora engine initialization process.

  1. Create and set m_lpAgoraObject with APP_ID using GetAgoraObject().
  2. Set the message handler using m_lpAgoraObject->SetMsgHandlerWnd().
  3. Enable video for the Agora engine using m_lpAgoraObject->GetEngine()->enableVideo().
  4. Set the default video canvas, user ID, view, and render mode properties vc.uid, vc.view, and vc.renderMode.
  5. Set up local video with vc using m_lpAgoraObject->GetEngine()->setupLocalVideo().
	m_lpAgoraObject = CAgoraObject::GetAgoraObject(APP_ID);


	VideoCanvas vc;

	vc.uid = 0;
	vc.view = m_wndLocal.GetSafeHwnd();
	vc.renderMode = RENDER_MODE_FIT;


	return TRUE;

Add the OnBnClickedBtnjoin() Method

The OnBnClickedBtnjoin() method triggers when the join UI button is clicked.

Invoke UpdateData().

  • If m_strChannelName is empty, display a prompt explaining that the channel name must not be empty.
  • If m_strChannelName is not empty, join the channel specified by m_strChannelName using m_lpAgoraObject->JoinChannel().
void CAgoraTutorialDlg::OnBnClickedBtnjoin()

	if (m_strChannelName.IsEmpty())
		MessageBox(_T("Channel name must not be empty"), _T("Notice"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

Add the OnBnClickedBtnleave() Method

The OnBnClickedBtnleave() method triggers when the leave UI button is clicked. Leave the channel by invoking m_lpAgoraObject->LeaveChannel().

void CAgoraTutorialDlg::OnBnClickedBtnleave()

Add the OnBnClickedBtnmutelocaud() Method

The OnBnClickedBtnmutelocaud() method triggers when the local audio button is clicked.

Retrieve the current local audio mute status using m_lpAgoraObject->IsLocalAudioMuted() and apply the reverse value to mute or unmute the local audio using m_lpAgoraObject->MuteLocalAudio().

void CAgoraTutorialDlg::OnBnClickedBtnmutelocaud()
	BOOL bStatValue = !m_lpAgoraObject->IsLocalAudioMuted();

Add the OnBnClickedBtndisvid() Method

The OnBnClickedBtndisvid() method triggers when the enable or disable video button is clicked.

Retrieve the current video enable or disable status using m_lpAgoraObject->IsVideoEnabled() and apply the reverse value to enable or disable the video using m_lpAgoraObject->MuteLocalVideo().

void CAgoraTutorialDlg::OnBnClickedBtndisvid()
	BOOL bStatValue = !m_lpAgoraObject->IsVideoEnabled();

Add the OnFirstRemoteVideoDecoded() Callback

The OnFirstRemoteVideoDecoded() method triggers when the first remote video frame is decoded.

  1. Convert wParam into a LPAGE_FIRST_REMOTE_VIDEO_DECODED object.
  2. Create a VideoCanvas object and set the render mode, user ID, and view properties using vc.renderMode, vc.uid, and vc.view.
  3. Set up the remote video with vc using m_lpAgoraObject->GetEngine()->setupRemoteVideo().
  4. Clear lpData from memory using delete and return 0.
LRESULT CAgoraTutorialDlg::OnFirstRemoteVideoDecoded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

	VideoCanvas vc;

	vc.renderMode = RENDER_MODE_FIT;
	vc.uid = lpData->uid;
	vc.view = m_wndRemote.GetSafeHwnd();


	delete lpData;

	return 0;

Create the AgoraObject Class

The AgoraObject class manages communication with the Agora SDK.

Declare Global Variables and Initialize CAgoraObject

Declare the global Agora SDK variables:

Variable Value Description
m_lpAgoraObject NULL The Agora object
m_lpAgoraEngine NULL The Agora engine
m_EngineEventHandler N/A The event handler for the Agora engine
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#include "AgoraObject.h"

CAgoraObject *CAgoraObject::m_lpAgoraObject = NULL;
IRtcEngine *CAgoraObject::m_lpAgoraEngine = NULL;
CAGEngineEventHandler CAgoraObject::m_EngineEventHandler;

When CAgoraObject is initialized, clear the channel name using m_strChannelName.Empty() and set m_bLocalVideoMuted to FALSE.

	: m_dwEngineFlag(0)
	, m_bVideoEnable(FALSE)
	, m_bLocalAudioMuted(FALSE)
	m_bLocalVideoMuted = FALSE;

Create Agora SDK and Engine Methods

The methods in this section manage the Agora SDK and engine.

Add the GetSDKVersion() Method

The GetSDKVersion() method retrieves the version number of the Agora SDK used in the sample application.

Initialize nBuildNumber to 0 and retrieve the Agora RTC engine version number using getAgoraRtcEngineVersion().

Convert lpszEngineVer to a CString object and return its value.

CString CAgoraObject::GetSDKVersion()
	int nBuildNumber = 0;
	const char *lpszEngineVer = getAgoraRtcEngineVersion(&nBuildNumber);

	CString strEngineVer;

#ifdef UNICODE
	::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpszEngineVer, -1, strEngineVer.GetBuffer(256), 256);

	return strEngineVer;
Add the GetEngine() Method

The GetEngine() method retrieves the Agora engine object.

If m_lpAgoraEngine is NULL, the engine has not been created yet. Create it using createAgoraRtcEngine().

Return the engine object m_lpAgoraEngine.

IRtcEngine *CAgoraObject::GetEngine()
	if(m_lpAgoraEngine == NULL)
		m_lpAgoraEngine = (IRtcEngine *)createAgoraRtcEngine();

	return m_lpAgoraEngine;
Add the GetAgoraObject() Method

The GetAgoraObject() method retrieves the Agora SDK object.

  • If m_lpAgoraObject is NULL, the Agora object has not been created yet. Create it using new CAgoraObject().
  • If m_lpAgoraEngine is NULL, the engine has not been created yet. Create it using createAgoraRtcEngine().

If lpAppId is NULL, return m_lpAgoraObject.

Create a RtcEngineContext object and set the event handler and App ID properties ctx.eventHandler and ctx.appId. If unicode is enabled, use szAppId as the App ID. Otherwise, use lpAppId .

Initialize the engine with ctx using m_lpAgoraEngine->initialize() and return m_lpAgoraObject.

CAgoraObject *CAgoraObject::GetAgoraObject(LPCTSTR lpAppId)
	if (m_lpAgoraObject == NULL)
		m_lpAgoraObject = new CAgoraObject();

	if (m_lpAgoraEngine == NULL)
		m_lpAgoraEngine = (IRtcEngine *)createAgoraRtcEngine();

	if (lpAppId == NULL)
		return m_lpAgoraObject;

	RtcEngineContext ctx;

	ctx.eventHandler = &m_EngineEventHandler;
#ifdef UNICODE
	char szAppId[128];

	::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpAppId, -1, szAppId, 128, NULL, NULL);
	ctx.appId = szAppId;
	ctx.appId = lpAppId;


	return m_lpAgoraObject;
Add the CloseAgoraObject() Method

The CloseAgoraObject() method clears the Agora object from memory.

  • If m_lpAgoraEngine exists, release it from memory using m_lpAgoraEngine->release().
  • If m_lpAgoraObject exists, delete it using delete.

Set m_lpAgoraEngine and m_lpAgoraObject to NULL.

void CAgoraObject::CloseAgoraObject()
	if(m_lpAgoraEngine != NULL)

	if(m_lpAgoraObject != NULL)
		delete m_lpAgoraObject;

	m_lpAgoraEngine = NULL;
	m_lpAgoraObject = NULL;

Create Message Handlers

The methods in this section manage the message receiver.

Add the SetMsgHandlerWnd() Method

The SetMsgHandlerWnd() method sends the message hWnd to the Agora engine's event handler using m_EngineEventHandler.SetMsgReceiver().

void CAgoraObject::SetMsgHandlerWnd(HWND hWnd)
Add the GetMsgHandlerWnd() Method

The GetMsgHandlerWnd() method retrieves the message receiver object from the Agora engine'e event handler using m_EngineEventHandler.GetMsgReceiver().

HWND CAgoraObject::GetMsgHandlerWnd()
	return m_EngineEventHandler.GetMsgReceiver();

Create Channel Methods

The methods in this section manage joining or leaving a channel and retrieving the channel name.

Add the JoinChannel() Method

The JoinChannel() method joins the user specified by nUID to the channel specified by lpChannelName.

Initialize nRet with a value of 0 and join the channel using m_lpAgoraEngine->joinChannel(). Use szChannelName if unicode is supported, and lpChannelName otherwise.

Ensure the channel join is successful by checking if nRet is equal to 0 and set m_strChannelName to lpChannelName.

BOOL CAgoraObject::JoinChannel(LPCTSTR lpChannelName, UINT nUID)
	int nRet = 0;

#ifdef UNICODE
	CHAR szChannelName[128];

	::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, lpChannelName, -1, szChannelName, 128, NULL, NULL);
	nRet = m_lpAgoraEngine->joinChannel(NULL, szChannelName, NULL, nUID);
	nRet = m_lpAgoraEngine->joinChannel(NULL, lpChannelName, NULL, nUID);

	if (nRet == 0)
		m_strChannelName = lpChannelName;

	return nRet == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
Add the LeaveChannel() Method

The LeaveChannel() method leaves the channel.

Stop the preview using m_lpAgoraEngine->stopPreview(), then leave the channel using m_lpAgoraEngine->leaveChannel().

If the leave channel action is successful, return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE.

BOOL CAgoraObject::LeaveChannel()
	int nRet = m_lpAgoraEngine->leaveChannel();

	return nRet == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
Add the GetChanelName() Method

The GetChanelName() method retrieves the channel name, returning m_strChannelName.

CString CAgoraObject::GetChanelName()
	return m_strChannelName;

Create Video Methods

The methods in this section manage the video.

Add the EnableVideo() Method

The EnableVideo() method enables the video for the sample application.

Initialize nRet with a value for 0. If bEnable is TRUE, enable the video using m_lpAgoraEngine->enableVideo(). Otherwise, disable the video using m_lpAgoraEngine->disableVideo().

Ensure the enable or disable video action is successful and set m_bVideoEnable to bEnable.

BOOL CAgoraObject::EnableVideo(BOOL bEnable)
	int nRet = 0;

	if (bEnable)
		nRet = m_lpAgoraEngine->enableVideo();
		nRet = m_lpAgoraEngine->disableVideo();

	if (nRet == 0)
		m_bVideoEnable = bEnable;

	return nRet == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
Add the IsVideoEnabled() Method

The IsVideoEnabled() method indicates if video is enabled for the sample application and returns m_bVideoEnable.

BOOL CAgoraObject::IsVideoEnabled()
	return m_bVideoEnable;
Add the MuteLocalVideo() Method

The MuteLocalVideo() method turns local video on or off.

Ensure m_lpAgoraEngine is not NULL before completing the remaining method actions.

Declare a RtcEngineParameters object and invoke its muteLocalVideoStream() method with bMuted.

If the mute or unmute local video is successful, set m_bLocalVideoMuted to bMuted.

BOOL CAgoraObject::MuteLocalVideo(BOOL bMuted)
	ASSERT(m_lpAgoraEngine != NULL);

	RtcEngineParameters rep(*m_lpAgoraEngine);

	int ret = rep.muteLocalVideoStream((bool)bMuted);
	if (ret == 0)
		m_bLocalVideoMuted = bMuted;

	return ret == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
Add the IsLocalVideoMuted() Method

The IsLocalVideoMuted() method indicates if the local video is on or off for the sample application, returning m_bLocalVideoMuted.

BOOL CAgoraObject::IsLocalVideoMuted()
	return m_bLocalVideoMuted;

Create Audio Methods

The methods in this section manage the audio.

Add the MuteLocalAudio() Method

The MuteLocalAudio() method mutes or unmutes the local audio.

Ensure m_lpAgoraEngine is not NULL before completing the remaining method actions.

Declare a RtcEngineParameters object and invoke its muteLocalAudioStream() method with bMuted.

If the mute or unmute local audio is successful, set m_bLocalAudioMuted to bMuted.

BOOL CAgoraObject::MuteLocalAudio(BOOL bMuted)
	ASSERT(m_lpAgoraEngine != NULL);

	RtcEngineParameters rep(*m_lpAgoraEngine);

	int ret = rep.muteLocalAudioStream((bool)bMuted);
	if (ret == 0)
		m_bLocalAudioMuted = bMuted;

	return ret == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
Add the IsLocalAudioMuted() Method

The IsLocalAudioMuted() method indicates if local audio is muted or unmuted for the sample application, returning m_bLocalAudioMuted.

BOOL CAgoraObject::IsLocalAudioMuted()
	return m_bLocalAudioMuted;

Create the AGEngineEventHandler Class

The methods in the AGEngineEventHandler class manage event listener callbacks.

Create Channel Callbacks

Changes in the channel trigger the callbacks in this section.

Add the onJoinChannelSuccess() Callback

The onJoinChannelSuccess() callback triggers when a channel is successfully joined.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_JOINCHANNEL_SUCCESS object and set the channel name, user ID, and time elapsed values using lpData->channel, lpData->uid, and lpData->elapsed.

Note: lpData->channel requires memory to be allocated prior to setting the channel name using strcpy_s().

Complete the method by displaying a join channel success message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onJoinChannelSuccess(const char* channel, uid_t uid, int elapsed)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	int nChannelLen = strlen(channel) + 1;
	lpData->channel = new char[nChannelLen];
	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->elapsed = elapsed;

	strcpy_s(lpData->channel, nChannelLen, channel);
	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_JOINCHANNEL_SUCCESS), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onRejoinChannelSuccess() Callback

The onRejoinChannelSuccess() callback triggers when a channel is successfully rejoined.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_REJOINCHANNEL_SUCCESS object and set the channel name, user ID, and time elapsed values using lpData->channel, lpData->uid, and lpData->elapsed.

Note: lpData->channel requires memory to be allocated prior to setting the channel name using strcpy_s().

Complete the method by displaying a rejoin channel success message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onRejoinChannelSuccess(const char* channel, uid_t uid, int elapsed)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	int nChannelLen = strlen(channel) + 1;
	lpData->channel = new char[nChannelLen];
	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->elapsed = elapsed;

	strcpy_s(lpData->channel, nChannelLen, channel);

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_REJOINCHANNEL_SUCCESS), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onLeaveChannel() Callback

The onLeaveChannel() callback triggers when a leave channel event occurs with statistics.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_LEAVE_CHANNEL object and set the statistics property lpData->rtcStat with stat using memcpy().

Complete the method by displaying a leave channel message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onLeaveChannel(const RtcStats& stat)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	memcpy(&lpData->rtcStat, &stat, sizeof(RtcStats));

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_LEAVE_CHANNEL), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);

Create Engine and API Callbacks

The callbacks in this section trigger when changes to Agora engine or API occur.

Add the onWarning() Callback

The onWarning() callback triggers when a warning occurs from the Agora engine.

Declare a CString object and set its value to _T("onWarning").

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onWarning(int warn, const char* msg)
	CString str;

	str = _T("onWarning");
Add the onError() Callback

The onError() callback triggers when an error occurs from the Agora engine.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_ERROR object.

  • If msg is not NULL, set lpData->msg to msg.

    Note: lpData->msg requires memory to be allocated prior to setting the message using strcpy_s().

  • If msg is NULL, set lpData->msg to NULL.

Complete the method by displaying an error message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onError(int err, const char* msg)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	int nMsgLen = 0;

	// attention: the pointer of msg maybe NULL!!!
	if(msg != NULL) {
		nMsgLen = strlen(msg) + 1;
		lpData->msg = new char[nMsgLen];
		strcpy_s(lpData->msg, nMsgLen, msg);
		lpData->msg = NULL;
	lpData->err = err;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_ERROR), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onMediaEngineEvent() Callback

The onMediaEngineEvent() callback triggers when an event occurs on the Agora media engine.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT object and set the event property lpData->evt with evt.

Complete the method by displaying a media engine event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onMediaEngineEvent(int evt)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->evt = evt;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onApiCallExecuted() Callback

The onApiCallExecuted() callback triggers when an API call is executed.

Declare a new LPAGE_APICALL_EXECUTED object and set the api and error properties lpData->api and lpData->error.

Note: lpData->api requires memory allocation prior to setting api using strcpy_s().

Complete the method by displaying an API call execution event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onApiCallExecuted(const char* api, int error)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	strcpy_s(lpData->api, 128, api);
	lpData->error = error;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_APICALL_EXECUTED), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);

Create Audio and Video Callbacks

The callbacks in this section trigger when changes to audio or video occur.

Add the onAudioQuality() Callback

The onAudioQuality() callback triggers when the audio quality changes for a user specified by uid.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_AUDIO_QUALITY object and set the user ID, quality, time delay, and lost properties using lpData->uid, lpData->quality, lpData->delay, and lpData->lost.

Complete the method by displaying an audio quality change message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onAudioQuality(uid_t uid, int quality, unsigned short delay, unsigned short lost)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->quality = quality;
	lpData->delay = delay;
	lpData->lost = lost;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_AUDIO_QUALITY), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onAudioVolumeIndication() Callback

The onAudioVolumeIndication() callback triggers when the audio volume indicator changes for a speaker specified by speakerNumber.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_AUDIO_VOLUME_INDICATION object and set the speakers, speaker ID, and total volume properties using lpData->speakers, lpData->speakerNumber, and lpData->totalVolume.

Note: lpData->speakers requires a new AudioVolumeInfo object to be created with memory allocation, prior to setting speakers using strcpy_s().

Complete the method by displaying an audio indication change message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onAudioVolumeIndication(const AudioVolumeInfo* speakers, unsigned int speakerNumber, int totalVolume)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->speakers = new AudioVolumeInfo[speakerNumber];
	memcpy(lpData->speakers, speakers, speakerNumber*sizeof(AudioVolumeInfo));
	lpData->speakerNumber = speakerNumber;
	lpData->totalVolume = totalVolume;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_AUDIO_VOLUME_INDICATION), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onFirstLocalVideoFrame() Callback

The onFirstLocalVideoFrame() callback triggers when the first local video frame has elapsed.

Declare a new LPAGE_FIRST_LOCAL_VIDEO_FRAME object and set the width, height, and time elapsed properties lpData->width, lpData->height, and lpData->elapsed.

Complete the method by displaying a first local video frame received event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onFirstLocalVideoFrame(int width, int height, int elapsed)

	lpData->width = width;
	lpData->height = height;
	lpData->elapsed = elapsed;

	if(m_hMainWnd != NULL)
		::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_FIRST_LOCAL_VIDEO_FRAME), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);

Add the onFirstRemoteVideoDecoded() Callback

The onFirstRemoteVideoDecoded() callback triggers when the first remote video is decoded.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_FIRST_REMOTE_VIDEO_DECODED object and set the following properties:

Property Value Description
lpData->uid uid User ID
lpData->width width Width
lpData->height height Height
lpData->elapsed elapsed Time elapsed

Complete the method by displaying a first remote video decoded event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onFirstRemoteVideoDecoded(uid_t uid, int width, int height, int elapsed)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->width = width;
	lpData->height = height;
	lpData->elapsed = elapsed;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_FIRST_REMOTE_VIDEO_DECODED), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onFirstRemoteVideoFrame() Callback

The onFirstRemoteVideoFrame() callback triggers when the first remote video frame is received.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_FIRST_REMOTE_VIDEO_FRAME object and set the following properties:

Property Value Description
lpData->uid uid User ID
lpData->width width Width
lpData->height height Height
lpData->elapsed elapsed Time elapsed

Complete the method by displaying a first remote video frame received event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onFirstRemoteVideoFrame(uid_t uid, int width, int height, int elapsed)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->width = width;
	lpData->height = height;
	lpData->elapsed = elapsed;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_FIRST_REMOTE_VIDEO_FRAME), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onVideoStopped() Callback

The onVideoStopped() callback triggers when the video stops.

If m_hMainWnd is not NULL, display a video stopped event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onVideoStopped()
	if (m_hMainWnd != NULL)
		::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_VIDEO_STOPPED), 0, 0);

Create Statistics Callbacks

The callbacks in this section trigger when statistic changes occur.

Add the onRtcStats() Callback

The onRtcStats() callback triggers when an RTC statistic changes.

Declare a CString variable str and set the value to _T("stat").

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onRtcStats(const RtcStats& stat)
	CString str;

	str = _T("stat");
Add the onLastmileQuality() Callback

The onLastmileQuality() callback triggers when the last mile quality test changes.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_LASTMILE_QUALITY object and set the quality property lpData->quality.

Complete the method by displaying a last mile quality change event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onLastmileQuality(int quality)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->quality = quality;

    ::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_LASTMILE_QUALITY), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onLocalVideoStats() Callback

The onLocalVideoStats() callback triggers when local video statistics are received.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_LOCAL_VIDEO_STAT object and set the bitrate and framerate properties lpData->sentBitrate and lpData->sentFrameRate.

Complete the method by displaying a local video statistics event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onLocalVideoStats(const LocalVideoStats& stats)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->sentBitrate = stats.sentBitrate;
	lpData->sentFrameRate = stats.sentFrameRate;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_LOCAL_VIDEO_STAT), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onRemoteVideoStats() Callback

The onRemoteVideoStats() callback triggers when remote video statistics are received.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_REMOTE_VIDEO_STAT object and set:

Property Value Description
lpData->uid stats.uid User ID
lpData->delay stats.delay Time delay
lpData->width stats.width Width
lpData->height stats.height Height
lpData->sentBitrate stats.receivedBitrate Bit rate
lpData->sentFrameRate stats.receivedFrameRate Frame rate

Complete the method by displaying a remote video statistics event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onRemoteVideoStats(const RemoteVideoStats& stats)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = stats.uid;
	lpData->delay = stats.delay;
	lpData->width = stats.width;
	lpData->height = stats.height;
	lpData->receivedFrameRate = stats.receivedFrameRate;
	lpData->receivedBitrate = stats.receivedBitrate;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_REMOTE_VIDEO_STAT), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);

Create Device Callbacks

The callbacks in this section trigger when device changes occur.

Add the onAudioDeviceStateChanged() Callback

The onAudioDeviceStateChanged() callback triggers when an audio device state changes.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_AUDIO_DEVICE_STATE_CHANGED object and set the device ID, device type, and device state properties lpData->deviceId, lpData->deviceType, and lpData->deviceState.

Note: lpData->deviceId requires memory allocation prior to setting deviceId using strcpy_s().

Complete the method by displaying an audio device change event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onAudioDeviceStateChanged(const char* deviceId, int deviceType, int deviceState)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	int nDeviceIDLen = strlen(deviceId) + 1;

	lpData->deviceId = new char[nDeviceIDLen];

	strcpy_s(lpData->deviceId, nDeviceIDLen, deviceId);
	lpData->deviceType = deviceType;
	lpData->deviceState = deviceState;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_AUDIO_DEVICE_STATE_CHANGED), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onVideoDeviceStateChanged() Callback

The onVideoDeviceStateChanged() callback triggers when a video device state changes.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_VIDEO_DEVICE_STATE_CHANGED object and set the device ID, device type, and device state properties lpData->deviceId, lpData->deviceType, and lpData->deviceState.

Note: lpData->deviceId requires memory allocation prior to setting deviceId using strcpy_s().

Complete the method by displaying a video device change event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onVideoDeviceStateChanged(const char* deviceId, int deviceType, int deviceState)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	int nDeviceIDLen = strlen(deviceId) + 1;

	lpData->deviceId = new char[nDeviceIDLen];

	strcpy_s(lpData->deviceId, nDeviceIDLen, deviceId);
	lpData->deviceType = deviceType;
	lpData->deviceState = deviceState;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_VIDEO_DEVICE_STATE_CHANGED), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onCameraReady() Callback

The onCameraReady() callback triggers when the camera is ready for use.

If m_hMainWnd is not NULL, displaying a camera ready event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onCameraReady()
	if(m_hMainWnd != NULL)
		::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_CAMERA_READY), 0, 0);

Create User Callbacks

The callbacks in this section trigger when user changes occur.

Add the onUserJoined() Callback

The onUserJoined() callback triggers when a user specified by uid joins the channel.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_USER_JOINED object and set the user ID and time elapsed properties lpData->uid and lpData->elapsed.

Complete the method by displaying a user joined event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onUserJoined(uid_t uid, int elapsed)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->elapsed = elapsed;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_USER_JOINED), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onUserOffline() Callback

The onUserOffline() callback triggers when a user specified by uid goes offline.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_USER_OFFLINE object and set the user ID and reason properties lpData->uid and lpData->reason.

Complete the method by displaying a user offline event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onUserOffline(uid_t uid, USER_OFFLINE_REASON_TYPE reason)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->reason = reason;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_USER_OFFLINE), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onUserMuteAudio() Callback

The onUserMuteAudio() callback triggers when a user specified by uid mutes their audio.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_USER_MUTE_AUDIO object and set the user ID and mute properties lpData->uid and lpData->muted.

Complete the method by displaying a user muted audio event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onUserMuteAudio(uid_t uid, bool muted)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->muted = muted;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_USER_MUTE_AUDIO), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onUserMuteVideo() Callback

The onUserMuteAudio() callback triggers when a user specified by uid turns off their video.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_USER_MUTE_VIDEO object and set the user ID and on or off properties lpData->uid and lpData->muted.

Complete the method by displaying a user turned off video event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onUserMuteVideo(uid_t uid, bool muted)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->uid = uid;
	lpData->muted = muted;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_USER_MUTE_VIDEO), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onStreamMessage() Callback

The onStreamMessage() callback triggers when a user specified by uid sends a message to the stream.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_STREAM_MESSAGE object and set the user ID, stream ID, data, and length properties lpData->uid, lpData->streamId, lpData->data, and lpData->length.

Complete the method by displaying a user sent a stream message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onStreamMessage(uid_t uid, int streamId, const char* data, size_t length)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


    lpData->uid = uid;
    lpData->streamId = streamId;
    lpData->data = new char[length];
    lpData->length = length;

    memcpy_s(lpData->data, length, data, length);

    ::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_STREAM_MESSAGE), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);
Add the onUserEnableVideo() Callback

The onUserEnableVideo() callback triggers when a user specified by uid enables video. This method is not currently set up, but you may add code to update changes to your application or send a message about the event.

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onUserEnableVideo(uid_t uid, bool enabled)
//	if (m_hMainWnd != NULL)
//		::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_CONNECTION_LOST), 0, 0);


Create Connection Callbacks

The callbacks in this section trigger when connection changes occur.

Add the onConnectionLost() Callback

The onConnectionLost() callback triggers when the connection is lost.

If m_hMainWnd is not NULL, display a connection lost event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onConnectionLost()
	if(m_hMainWnd != NULL)
		::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_CONNECTION_LOST), 0, 0);
Add the onConnectionInterrupted() Callback

The onConnectionInterrupted() callback triggers when the connection is interrupted.

Declare a CString object and set its value to _T("onConnectionInterrupted").

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onConnectionInterrupted()
	CString str;

	str = _T("onConnectionInterrupted");

Create Recording Callbacks

The callbacks in this section trigger when changes occur during the recording service.

Add the onStartRecordingService() Callback

The onStartRecordingService() callback triggers when the recording service starts.

If m_hMainWnd is not NULL, display a recording service started event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onStartRecordingService(int error)
	if (m_hMainWnd != NULL)
		::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_START_RCDSRV), 0, 0);

Add the onStopRecordingService() Callback

The onStopRecordingService() callback triggers when the recording service stops.

If m_hMainWnd is not NULL, display a recording service stopped event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onStopRecordingService(int error)
	if (m_hMainWnd != NULL)
		::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_STOP_RCDSRV), 0, 0);

Add the onRefreshRecordingServiceStatus() Callback

The onRefreshRecordingServiceStatus() callback triggers when the recording service refreshes.

If m_hMainWnd is NULL, end the method.

Declare a new LPAGE_RCDSRV_STATUS object and set the status property lpData->status.

Display a recording service refreshed event message using PostMessage().

void CAGEngineEventHandler::onRefreshRecordingServiceStatus(int status)
	if (m_hMainWnd == NULL)


	lpData->status = status;

	::PostMessage(m_hMainWnd, WM_MSGID(EID_REFREASH_RCDSRV), (WPARAM)lpData, 0);