Abstract |
Abstract class for an event. |
BlockBase |
Abstract class for any event related to blocks. |
BlockChange |
Notifies listeners when some element of a block has changed (e.g. field values, comments, etc). |
BlockCreate |
Notifies listeners when a block (or connected stack of blocks) is created. |
BlockDelete |
Notifies listeners when a block (or connected stack of blocks) is deleted. |
BlockDrag |
Notifies listeners when a block is being manually dragged/dropped. |
BlockMove |
Notifies listeners when a block is moved. This could be from one connection to another, or from one location on the workspace to another. |
BubbleOpen |
Class for a bubble open event. |
Click |
Notifies listeners that ome blockly element was clicked. |
CommentBase |
Abstract class for a comment event. |
CommentChange |
Notifies listeners that the contents of a workspace comment has changed. |
CommentCreate |
Notifies listeners that a workspace comment was created. |
CommentDelete |
Notifies listeners that a workspace comment has been deleted. |
CommentMove |
Notifies listeners that a workspace comment has moved. |
FinishedLoading |
Notifies listeners when the workspace has finished deserializing from JSON/XML. |
MarkerMove |
Notifies listeners that a marker (used for keyboard navigation) has moved. |
Selected |
Class for a selected event. Notifies listeners that a new element has been selected. |
ThemeChange |
Notifies listeners that the workspace theme has changed. |
ToolboxItemSelect |
Notifies listeners that a toolbox item has been selected. |
TrashcanOpen |
Notifies listeners when the trashcan is opening or closing. |
Ui |
Class for a UI event. |
UiBase |
Base class for a UI event. UI events are events that don't need to be sent over the wire for multi-user editing to work (e.g. scrolling the workspace, zooming, opening toolbox categories). UI events do not undo or redo. |
VarBase |
Abstract class for a variable event. |
VarCreate |
Notifies listeners that a variable model has been created. |
VarDelete |
Notifies listeners that a variable model has been deleted. |
VarRename |
Notifies listeners that a variable model was renamed. |
ViewportChange |
Notifies listeners that the workspace surface's position or scale has changed. Does not notify when the workspace itself resizes. |